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《Unit2 welcome to the unit》教案

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9812


9B Unit 2 Checkout

I. Teaching objective:

1. To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in this unit.

2. To give students the opportunity to practice the vocabulary and

grammar items, and to gain confidence through doing so

3. To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions

they may still have.

II. Teaching procedure:

1. Tell students that this is revision and that they have already

learnt these words and grammar items.

2. Ask students to read the e-mail in part A for overall meaning

before they begin filling in the blanks.

3. Ask students to complete the exercise on their own. Remind them

of the grammar items they will need to use.

4. Go through the answers with students. Ask students to each read

out one paragraph. Listen for mistakes and mispronunciations.

5. Tell students that part B is a vocabulary game. It is not

difficult as the first letter of each answer is provided. Encourage

students to complete this exercise independently.

6. Ask students to raise their hands when they have finished. Have

the first student who raises the hand to read out the task on the list.

Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.

III. Homework:

1. Complete some exercises.

2. Preview the whole unit and prepare for an exam



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标签: Welcome   初三英语教案
