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《Unit2 welcome to the unit》教案

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9812

pairs to present new ones to the class.

III. Homework:

1. Recite the conversation on page 29 and complete some exercises.

2. Preview pronunciation.



9B Unit 2 Grammar(1)

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To use object clauses introduced by “wh-“words

II. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Review object clauses introduced by “if or whether” and “that”.

Explain that these clauses relate to “yes/no” questions.

Structures: 主语+谓语+宾语从句①that +主语+谓语+其他


Step 2: Tell students that when object clauses relate to “wh-“questions,

we should use “wh-“words to introduce object clauses. Ask students to read the grammar rules and the two examples at the top.

Step 3: Remind them that the clauses should be introduced by “wh-“words

and the word order in the clause should be the same as in the statements.

e.g: The robot no longer knew.

When should it cook breakfast.

→The robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast.

Step 4: Write the following sentences on the blackboard and encourage

students to use the following structures:

⑴I am not sure…

⑵I’d like to know…

⑶I can’t imagine…

⑷Can you tell me…?

① where is Zhongshan Park?

② How did you go to school?

③ What will you do next Sunday?

④ When was the parcel delivered?

⑤ Who called in the morning?

Step 5: Asks students to do the exercise on page 25. Students will be able

to complete it on their own. Check the answers as a class.

III. Homework:

1. Review the rules of object clauses introduced by


2. Preview grammar(2)


9B Unit 2 Grammar(2)

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To use “in order to” to introduce the purpose of an action.

2. To use “as a result” to introduce the result of something.

3. to use “need to” to talk about something we have to do.

II. Teaching procedure:

Part one: “in order to/as a result”

Step 1: List the two sentences in the reading passage:

① In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot.

② As a result, Mr. Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the


Step 2: Ask students a question: “What should we do if we want to have

more free time?”

Write some of the answers on the blackboard and connect them with “in

order to”.

Step 3: Explain t students that “in order to” means “with the purpose of “

and that we can use it to introduce the purpose of an action. It can be

used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentences.

Step 4: Same method can be applied to introduce “as a result”. Remind

students that we use it to introduce the result of something.

Step 5: Ask students to read the grammar rules and example sentences at

the top of page 26 to the class.

Step 6: Asks students to complete the exercise and check the answers as a

whole class.

Part two: “need to”

Step 7: Explain to students that “need to” is a strong verb. We use it

when we want to talk about something we should do.

Step 8: Ask students what things they need to do today. “ I need to …”

Step 9: Ask students to work on their own to complete the exercise using

“need to” and the phrases in the box. Check answers with the class.

Step 10: Ask students to complete “work out the rule”.

III. Homework:

1. Review grammar 2 and complete exercises.

2. Preview “Integrated skills”

教学小结:掌握 as a result,in order to,need to 的用法。

9B Unit 2 Main task

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To read and understand a questionnaire

2. To use information from a questionnaire to complete a complaint


3. To write a complaint letter.

II. Teaching procedure:

Part A: The robot exhibition

Step 1: Ask students to read the seven different sections of the

questionnaire. Ask students to raise their hands if they have any


Step 2: Ask students whether they agree or disagree with Daniel’s answers.

If students disagree, ask them to justify their answers

I don’t agree with Daniel on question X because…

Step 3: Ask students to read the letter on their own.

Step 4: Ask students to describe how Daniel feels, and tell them that they

can complete the letters using the information from the questionnaire on

page 31.

Step 5: Encourage students to complete the letter on their own. Once they

have finished, read the whole letter aloud.

Step 6: Ask students to use the questionnaire they completed for the

extension activity on page T31 as a basis for completing their own

complaint letters in part C. Remind students that when they write a

complaint letter, they should maintain a formal style. Although they can

make their complaint letters clear, they should be polite.

Step 7: Ask students to read his or her draft letter to classmate to check

for mistakes.

III. Homework:

1. Write a complaint letter of their owns.

2. Preview Checkout and complete the exercises.

3. Review vocabulary and grammar in this unit.


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标签: Welcome   初三英语教案
