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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9161

7. When you feel (放松的) ,you are calm and not worried.

8. TV sets are (可获得的) in any department stores in Zhenjiang.



Did you _______any _______ ________ this problem that old man?


This sentence can _______ ________ _________ three parts.


Yellow can you a warm, sunny day.

4. Jim的想象力很丰富,他总是能想出各种各样的主意。

Jim is imaginative enough to all kinds of new ideas.



A man wanted to buy a horse. He went to the m__1___, and saw one. But he wanted to t__2__him first.

So he took the horse home, and put him into the stable(马厩) with the o__3___ horses. The new horse looked a__4___, and went to c¬¬¬__5___ a place next to the laziest horse in the stable.

When the man saw this, he sent the horse b__6___ to the owner.

The owner felt quite s__7___. He asked the man, “W__8___ are you back so soon? Have you tested him yet?” “I don’t want to test him any more,” answered the man. “From the companion(同伴) he choose for h___9___, I can see what k__10___ of animal he is.”




1. All records and tapes are on sale at ________ price.

2. During the sale, you can visit the shop every day except _________.

3. You ________ order things on telephone during the sale.

4. If a tape’s list price is $5.98, you can spend $_____ less than the list price now.

5. The sale lasts about ________ a month.


China has decided to take action to stop the use of free plastic bags. Supermarkets, shops and outlets(经销点) in China will not be allowed to offer free plastic bags.

Every year, people use too many plastic bags and fail to deal with them in a right way, wasting the oil and littering the country. While we provide quick and useful services for customers, the plastic bags cause serious pollution and waste of energy as well. The government encourages people to go back to carrying cloth(布) bags and using baskets for their vegetables.

Action Make a _6___ to stop the use of free plastic bags.

Place Supermarkets, __7____ and outlets.

Advantage Provide __8____ and useful service.

Disadvantage __9___ serious pollution and waste of energy.

What we should do Go back to carrying cloth bags and __10___ baskets.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
