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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9606

以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的 最新一年九年级上册英语期中考试卷(含答案与听力),希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。




听下面的8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,听完每段对话后你有10秒钟的时间来回答 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍

( )1. What does Mr. Black do?

A. He is a waiter. B. He is a shop assistant. C. He is a teacher.

( )2. Where are they talking?

A. In a school. B. In a hotel. C. In a shop.

( )3. Where does the woman come from?

A. Canada. B. England. C. France.

( )4. What does the man want to be now?

A. A scientist. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.

( )5. What does Miss Black ask the boy to do?

A. To read more books. B. Not to read in class. C. To read good books.

( )6. What kind of class does the man prefer?

A. P.E class. B. Art class. C. Music class.

( )7. Which language does Mr. Black speak best?

A. French. B. Chinese. C. Japanese.

( )8. Where does Miss Smith come from?

A. Canada. B. America. C. Australia.




( )9 . What are they going to do in the evening?

A. To eat out together. B. To have a party. C. To cook at home.

( )10. Why don’t they want to have Sichuan food?

A. It’s expensive. B. It’s too hot. C. It’s not delicious.

( )11. What kind of food are they going to have?

A. Japanese food. B. Italian food. C. Indian food.


( )12. Why didn’t Lucy go to school?

A. It was raining hard.   B. She hurt her leg. C. Her parents were ill.

( )13. How did she go home yesterday?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.

( )14. Who might Mr. Smith be?

A. Her teacher. B. Her father. C. Her doctor.


( ) 15. What is Kathy doing for vacation?

A. Studying . B. Traveling. C. Doing a part-time job.

( ) 16. How does she feel these days?

A. Bored. B. Excited. C. Tired.

( ) 17. Where is she most probably going on vacation?

A. To Hawaii. B. To Switzerland. C. Somewhere cold.


( )18. What’s the woman’s new job??

A. A doctor. B. A teacher.   C. A driver.

( )19. When should the woman arrive if the class begins at 2:30 pm?

A. 2:15. B. 2:45.   C. 2:30.

( )20. How many days will the woman be free every week?

A. Two days. B. Three days.  C. One day.


( )21. What was the main reason for people to have dogs in the past?

A. To help them work. B. To make money. C. To keep them safe.

( )22. Who do many people walk with in a park?

A. Dogs. B. Monkeys. C. Elephants.

( )23. What do young people regard a dog as?

A. A child. B. A friend. C. A teacher.

( )24. What is a dog for a child?

A. A smart teacher.  B. A playing partner.  C. A helpful brother.

( )25. Why do old people keep dogs?

A. They regard dogs as their children. B. Dogs can play with them.

C. Dogs are their friends



( )26. The best way improve your English is to ________ an English club.

A. join B. take part in C. join in D. buy

( )27. I have trouble _________ English grammar.

A. learn B. to learn C. learns D. learning

( )28. _______ used to _______ a post office near my house.

A. There; be B There; have C. It; be D. There; having

( )29. -- You didn’t used to be short, did you?

-- _______. I was the shortest in my class.

A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I was. D. No, I wasn’t.

( )30. I used to go to sleep ________ my bedroom light ________.

A. with, open B. with, on C. and, open D. in, on

( )31. If I _______ you, I would go to America to study.

A. am B. was C. was D. were

( )32. Teenagers should do instead of ________ too much.

A. talk B. say C. talking D. speaking

( )33. Why not consider________ fishing tomorrow?

A. going B. to go C. went D. goes

( )34.You won’t pass the exam ________ you work hard at your lessons.

A. if B. and C. unless D. or

( )35.-- Where would you like to go?

-- Well, I’d go ________.

A. anywhere relaxing B. relaxing somewhere

C. somewhere relaxing D. somewhere relaxed

( )36. The red bike ________be Tina’s. Hers is black.

A. must B. might C. can D. can’t

( )37. -- I’m not allowed to go out on school nights.


A. So am I B. Neither am I C. So I do D. Will be

( )38. People think Paul is ________. But in fact he talks a lot with his friends.

A. nervous B. tired C. shy D. patient

( )39. I haven’t seen my cat for two days. I’m ________ about her.

A. careful B. worried C. anxious D. miss

( )40. —When did you have your hair ?

—Last Saturday.

A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. be cut



I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age, because I thought it was such a ________41 language. Full of strong wishes of learning English, I began to ________ 42 it. But soon I found it ________43 than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to remember. And even if you know ________44, you can’t use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather ________45 in my first English test. I was worried about it. This made me upset and dropped my interest in English ________46.

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