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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9606


I am a student in Grade 9 now.





1. W: What do you do, Mr Black?

M: I teach math in No. 2 Middle School.

2. W: We'd like to have a single room with a bath.

M: OK. Madam. How long will you stay here?

3. M: You speak good English. Are you from America?

W: No. I'm from France. But I stayed in Canada for a few years.

4. W: What do you want to be in the future?

M: When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor. But now I want to be a scientist.

What about you?

W: I'd like to be a teacher.

5. W: What are you doing, Tom?

M: I…….I'm reading a book, Miss Black.

W: Oh, it's a good book. But you'd better read it after class.

6. W: Which do you prefer, P.E class or art class?

M: I prefer singing. So music class is my favorite.

7. W: Mr. Black speaks French well and now he’s beginning to study Chinese.

M: He also knows a little Japanese.

8. W: This is Miss Smith. She is from Australia, but she lives most of her life in America.

M: Glad to meet you. I’m from Canada.




M: Do you have any plan for this evening?

W: No, not yet.

M: How about going out for dinner tonight?

W: Great. Where would you like to go?

M: Well, what about Sichuan food?

W: I don't feel like having Sichuan food today.

M: I don't, either. It's too hot .

W: How do you like Italian food?

M: Mmm, I like it a lot.

W: Me, too, And I know a good Italian restaurant nearby.

M: Good! Let's go.

Qs: 9 . What are they going to do in the evening?

10. Why don’t they want to have Sichuan food?

11. What kind of food are they going to have?


M: Hello! May I speak to Lucy, please?

W: Hi, Mr Smith! This is Lucy speaking.

M: You didn't come to school today. What's wrong?

W: Oh, I hurt my leg when I was riding home yesterday and I can't walk now.

M: I'm sorry to hear that. How did it happen?

W: It was raining hard then, but I didn't take my raincoat. I tried to ride home quickly. When I turned left at a corner, I fell down and hurt my leg,

M: Did you see a doctor?

W: Yes. My parents took me to a hospital, and luckily it wasn't serious.

M: Have a good rest and you'll be well soon.

W: Thank you.

Qs: 12. Why didn’t Lucy go to school?

13. How did she go home yesterday?

14. Who might Mr. Smith be?


M: Hi, Kate! What are your plans for the coming vacation?

W: I have no idea. Maybe I am traveling around Europe. I just want to relax because I feel very tired these days.

M: If I were you, I would go to Switzerland. It's really a nice place.

W: It's very cold there this time of the year, I don't like cold weather. I'd like to go somewhere warm.

M: What about Hawaii? There is lots of sunshine and it's warm all the year round there.

W: That's a good idea. I can lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. Thanks for your suggestion.

M: My pleasure.

Questions: 15. What is Kathy doing for vacation?

16. How does she feel these days?

17. Where is she most probably going on vacation?


M: Well, Miss Smith. Before you begin your new job, you have to know the rules.

W: OK.

M: During the class, you should be patient and friendly to the students.

W: Of course. What else?

M: You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class in the morning and in the afternoon.

W: Sure!

M: Finally, you are allowed to have two days off every week.

Questions: 18. What’s the woman’s new job?

19. When should the woman arrive if the class begins at 2:30 pm?

20. How many days will the woman be free every week?


When I take a walk around the park, I often see many people walking with dogs. Perhaps a dog is one of the most useful animals in the world. People keep dogs for different reasons. In the past many people kept dogs mainly for their safety. But now more and more people keep dogs as their friends. For a child, a dog is a friend when he has no other children to play with. For young people, a dog is their friend when they are alone at home. For old people, a dog is their child when their own children grow up and leave home. Now you can see the reasons why people keep dogs.


21. What was the main reason for people to have dogs in the past?

22. Who do many people walk with in a park?

23. What do young people regard a dog as?

24. What is a dog for a child?

25. Why do old people keep dogs?

2012 -最新学年度九年级上学期期中水平测试英语参考答案





五、61. tastes 62. honest 63. missed 64. plenty 65. waste 66. importance 67. listener

68. knowledgeable 69. friendly 70. sleepy

六71-75 EDACF

七、76. how to pronounce a word 77. by listening to the radio 78. reminds me of my uncle

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