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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初三学习辅导初三英语辅导资料初三英语试卷2016年黑河市高中统招考试英语试题(有答案)


[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9284



1. 考试时间120分钟

2. 全卷共六道大题,总分120分

3. 使用答题卡的考生,请将答案填写在答题卡的指定位置

题 号 I






第一部分 听力部分(共计25分)

I. Listening(本题共25分,Part One、Part Two每小题1分,Part Three、Part Four每小题1.5分)

Part One Choose the right picture according to what you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear.

( ) 6. Jim is going A. home

( ) 7. Mary wants to go B. does homework

( ) 8. Jim sometimes C. to the cinema

( ) 9. Mary usually D. an excellent TV play

( )10. Mary thinks Home with Kids is E. a very good film

F. watches TV

G. reads newspapers

Part Three Choose the right answer according to what you hear.

( )11. Jack lives______in England.

A. in a village B. on a farm C. in a town

( )12. He went to Russia______.

A. on business B. for a holiday C. to visit his friends

( )13. He stayed in Russia for______.

A. a few days B. a few weeks C. a few months

( )14. He was almost knocked down because______.

A. the street was busy B. he was walking fast C. he forgot the traffic rules

( )15. The old man wanted to______.

A. help Jack B. tell Jack where he was C. sell maps to Jack

Part Four Complete the note according to what you hear.


17.Person:_________________________________________________________________[ Z*X*X*K]




第二部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)

得分 评卷人

II. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.

( )21. Bill likes playing_____basketball, but he doesn’t like playing_____piano.

A. the, the B. /, the C. the, /

( )22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old

( )23. I have great_____ in learning math and I am so worried.

A. trouble B. interest C. fun

( )24. We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, _____we will be late for the meeting.

A. and B. or C. but

( )25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please_____the radio?

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on

( )26. I’ll take_____of the cameras, one is for my brother, the other is for Jim.

A. either B. both C. all

( )27. Maria has few friends in China, _____?

A. has she B. doesn’t she C. does she

( )28. They_____five days finishing the work.

A. paid B. took C. spent

( )29. The math problem is so hard. I really don’t know_____.

A. how to do it B. how to do C. what to do it

( )30. She_____ her hometown for many years. No one nearly knows her.

A. has been away from B. has left C. had left

( )31. —Is that your teacher?

—That_____be Mr.Wang. He has gone to Japan with his wife.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not

( )32. Summer holiday is coming, Li Lei with his father_____to go to Shanghai.

A. want B. will want C. wants

( )33. Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think she needs_____it every day.

A. practise to speak B. to practise speaking C. practise speaking

( )34. _____exercise you take, _____you’ll be.

A. The fewer, the fatter B. The less, the fatter C. The less, the more fatter

( )35. Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. If yo u don’t go, ______.

A. so do I B. neither do I C. neither will I

得分 评卷人

III. Cloze test(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

I used to watch a little girl 36 basketball every day from my kitchen window. One day I asked her why she practised so 37 . She said: “I would like to go to college. The only way is

38 a scholarship(奖学金). I like basketball and I want to be the 39 player in college. My dad told me: ‘If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.’ ” She 40 changed her mind. I watched her through those junior high years and into senior high school. One day before she graduated 41 high school, I saw her sitting on the grass 42 . I asked her what was wrong. She told me her coach said she was 43 a short girl that she couldn’t be a good basketball player, so she should 44 dreaming about going to college. She was heartbroken and it 45

made me feel sad. Then she smiled and told me her father said that coach was wrong. He did not understand the power of dream. Her father said to her: “If you really want to 46 the scholarship of a good college, nothing but you 47 can stop your dream.” The next year, she and her team went to a big game. She 48 by a coach of a famous college team and was offered a scholarship to the 49 basketball team of their college. She was about to get the college education 50 she had dreamed of and worked towards for all those years. “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” It is true.

( )36. A. to play B. plays C. play

( )37. A. many B. much C. little

( )38. A. to get B. get C. got

( )39. A. most B. good C. best

( )40. A. never B. ever C. always

( )41. A. in B. to C. from

( )42. A. sad B. sadly C. happily

( )43. A. too B. such C. so

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