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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初三学习辅导初三英语辅导资料初三英语试卷2016年黑河市高中统招考试英语试题(有答案)


[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9284

第二部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)

II. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

21—25 BAABA 26—30 BCCAA 31—35 ACBBC

III. Cloze test(本题共15分,每小题1分)

36—40 CBACA 41—45 CBBAB 46—50 ABCAC

IV. Communication (本题共15分,A题每小题1分,B题每小题2分)

(A) 51—55 EADBC

(B) 56. Could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?/Which is the way to the nearest restaurant?/Where is the nearest restaurant?/Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant ?/Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest restaurant?

57. How far is it from here?/How far is it?/How far?

58. What would you like (to eat/ have)?/What can I do for you?/Can I help you?/May I take your order?

59. How do you like the food?/What do you think of the food?

60. No, thanks./No, thank you./No, thanks a lot./No, thank you very much.


第三部分 阅读理解 (共计35分)

V. Reading comprehension(本题共35分,A、B、C每小题1分, D、E每小题2分)

(A) 61—65 DECBA

(B) 66—70 FFTFT

(C) 71—75 BACCA

(D) 76. planted/grown 77. until 78. instead 79. Unluckily/Unfortunately/However 80. kinds

(E) 81. Two./2./Two kinds./There were two.

82. On the Net/Internet.

83. They made their own websites/They made their own websites and began selling things on the Net.

84. Competition./Competition among the companies.

85. I think I should make the customers know and trust the name of my company./I should make my website easy to remember ./I think I should learn a lot of successful experience if I have an Internet company.


第四部分 书面表达 (共计15分)

VI. Writing (本题共15分,A题5分,B题10分)

(A) One possible version:

Dear Miss Zhang,

How are you? We all miss you very much (1分). Thank you for teaching us so well (1分). Don’t worry about us. We must try our best to study hard (1分). Are you feeling better now (1分) ? We all hope you’ll get well soon (1分).


Zhang Jiayan

注: 表达出关键点即可赋分,若出现时态、拼写错误,扣1分。

(B) 评分要求:










第五档:(0分)新 课标 第 一网


Saving Water

As we all know, water is important to us all. People can’t live without water. Plants and ani mals will die if there is no water in the world.

But there are still some people wasting water. For example, some students often forget to turn off the taps; some people take showers for a long time.

Then what should we do to save water? First, we should turn off the taps after we use it. Second, we’d better recycle and reuse the water. Third, we should take a bath instead of having a shower.

Water is really important to man. Let’s save water from now on.

听 力 原 文

Part One Choose the right picture according to what you hear.

No.1.W: Where are you going to travel after the final exam?

M: I’m going to Beijing and visit the Great Wall. What about you?

W: I’m going to New York.

M: Have a good time.

Q: Where does the man want to go?

No.2.W: What a sunny day today!

M: So it is. But the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.

W: Oh, my God. I’m going shopping.

M: You can take an umbrella.

Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

No.3.W: How do you usually go to school, Tom?

M: By bus. Do you go to school by bus, too?

W: No, my house isn’t far from school. So I usually walk there.

M: Well. Walking is good for our health.

Q: How does Tom go to school?

No.4. W: I don’t know what to buy, can you give me some help?

M: What about this skirt? It looks nice.

W: And I like the color.

M: You’d better try it on.

Q: What does the man want the woman to buy?

No.5. W: What kind of animals do you like best?

M: Lions. I think they are very strong.

W: Monkeys are my favorite. I think they are cute.

M: Now let’s go and see our favorite animals.

Q: What kind of animals does the man like?

Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear.

W: Hello, Jim. Where are you going?

M: Oh, Mary. I’m going to the cinema. What about going with me?

W: No, thanks. I’m going home. My mother is waiting for me.

M: What a pity! I believe it’s a very good film.

W: Do you go to the cinema a lot at night?

M: Once a week. Most nights I usually do my homework at home and sometimes I watch TV.

What about you?

W: I usually do my homework and sometimes I read newspapers. But this evening I will watch an excellent TV play.

M: An excellent TV play? What is it?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
