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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9397

() 35. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?

A. Repair.               B. Against.         C. Magic.


Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on    36    to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.

Take exercise. Regular exercise, much health. You    37    hard most of the time so far. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit from different forms of exercise    38    swimming, jogging, and mountain climbing.

Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. As a result, you can’t    39

your family any longer. In order to deal with your    40    matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other practical (实用的) skills.

Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you can find the culture there different from    41    of your hometown. Beautiful scenery can    42    make you relaxed. Imagine that you are lying on the warm beach in bright sunshine, with light sea wind gently blowing. Isn’t it enjoyable and comfortable?

Enjoy family time. Home is the place in which you can rest, receive love and care from relations. Don’t always sit in front of a computer alone. Instead, the whole family should spend    43    watching a movie on the sofa together. Besides, it’s great fun for family members to gather around the table,   44    sports, clothes or other common topics (话题).

If you follow the advice above,  you will achieve health, independence (独立), peace of mind and feelings between family members. Today is the beginning of a new life. Your summer vacation must be full of    45    and success. Wish you a wonderful time!


() 36. A. whether            B. how              C. when

() 37. A. have worked        B. worked            C. will work

() 38. A. instead of          B. due to              C. such as

() 39. A. depend on          B. give up             C. hear from

() 40. A. public             B. negative             C. personal

() 41. A. it                 B. that                 C. one

() 42. A. also               B. either                C. too

() 43. A. some times         B. some time             C. sometimes

() 44. A. discussed          B. to discuss              C. discussing

() 45. A. sadness            B. joy                   C. worry



Have you ever beard of Iceland? Iceland is a country, one-tenth of which is covered with ice. However, it is said that Iceland is the land of heat. Smoking volcanoes (火山),  white steam (蒸汽) and hot springs are more amazing than the other sights including ice there.


It has taken millions of years for volcanoes and lava flows (熔岩流) to build Iceland. When hiking through one of Iceland’s many ancient lava fields, you may notice something strange. White steam is rising from each vent in front of you. Iceland is covered with vents which steam can pass out of. The steam comes from naturally heated rocks and hot water below the Earth’s surface (表面).

Like steam vents, hot springs can be seen here and there in the ancient lava fields. Blue Lake is the most famous hot spring in Iceland. It isn’t far from the capital city of the country. The water and white earth in it can make your skin as soft as a newborn baby’s skin. Enjoy that water, because it has traveled a long way. It starts nearly two kilometers under Blue Lake. There, water from the ocean continues moving up slowly into the spaces between hot rocks below the surface. And then the water is heated by hot rocks. Powerful machines and long pipes (水管) help bring the heated water to the surface. People in Iceland use natural hot water for hot springs. Besides, they use it to create electricity that can be used to heat homes and even greenhouses.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语暑假作业
