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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9934

C. Keep the balance of nature.

D. Have a good habit of clearing the plate.


Spending more than two hours a night doing homework leads to better results in English, math and science, according to a major study (by Pam Sammons, England) which has tracked (跟踪)the progress of 3,000 children over the past 15 years.

Spending any time doing homework showed advantages, but the influence was greater for the students who put in two to three hours a night, according to the study published by the Department for Education in England.

The scientists who did the research say their study emphasizes (强调)what students actually do rather than how much work the school has set.

Pam Sammons, a professor of education at Oxford University, said that time spent on homework showed the influence of the school—if children were expected to do homework and if


they enjoy their subjects. “That’s one of the reasons Indian and Chinese children do better. They put more time in it.” he added.

It’s also reported that students who enjoyed school got better results. “Schools could make sure children had a better experience by improving the school environment, making school work interesting and making children feel supported by teachers." Sammons said.

It is suggested that children aged 5 to 7 should be set one-hour homework a week, half an hour a night for 7 to 11-year-olds. Secondary schools were encouraged to set up two hours a night for 14 to 16-year-olds.

“Headteachers should make their own homework policy,” the government says.

51. Where can we probably read this passage?

A. In a poster.      B. In a magazine.     C. In a storybook.    D. In an advertisement.

52. According to the first paragraph, spending __________ doing homework leads to better results in lessons.

A. half an hour     B. an hour          C. over two hours     D. less than two hours

53. The underlined word “published” probably means __________ in Chinese.

A. 公布           B. 印刷          C. 出版             D. 发现

54. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according lo the passage?

A. Schools could make sure children had a better experience.

B. Children aged 14-16 should spend an hour a night on homework.[

C. The study was published by the Department for Education in China.

D. Chinese and Indian children do worse in schoolwork from Pam Sammons.

55. From the passage, we can know that _ _________.

A. Students should become interested in their results.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语暑假作业
