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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9823



(    )1、—Thank you very much!

—           .

A、OK    B、You are welcome.    C、All right.    D、This is OK.

(    )2、Welcome back          hometown.

A、to    B、on    C、for    D、with

(    )3、First          all, you will tell me your name.

A、at    B、of    C、with    D、for

(    )4、         first, I didn’t want to go, but soon I changed my mind.

A、At    B、Of    C、With    D、For

(    )5、He is careful in          every thing.

A、do    B、doing    C、to do    D、does

(    )6、Tom          to her bedroom but found nothing.

A、hurry    B、hurried    C、hurries    D、in a hurry

(    )7、I didn’t have breakfast and went to school         .

A、hurried    B、hurries    C、in a hurry    D、hurry

(    )8、—Why is she going to lie on the beach?

—         she likes the sun and the sea.

A、For    B、Because    C、So    D、As

(    )9、This is my key. Who         it?

A、looked for    B、found out    C、found

(    )10、At the moment, he          English book.

A、is read    B、is reading    C、are reading    D、read

(    )11、       he is in the room.

A、Maybe    B、May be    C、May    D、Can be

(    )12、We are thinking about          London for our holiday.

A、going to    B、to go to    C、to go     D、going for

(    )13、You must choose Mike         our leader.

A、as    B、with    C、for    D、to

(    )14、Which computer will you         ?

A、choose    B、chose    C、choosing    D、to choose

(    )15、He chose          games.

A、not to play    B、to not play    C、not play    D、no to play

(    )16、We must try our best          there in time.

A、to get    B、get    C、getting    D、gets

(    )17、Can I have          again?

A、try    B、tries    C、trying    D、a try

(    )18、—Is that          eraser?

—No, that’s         .

A、your; her    B、your; his    C、her; my    D、he; his

(    )19、         mobile phone is red and          mobile phone is purple.

A、Your; my    B、You; I    C、You; My    D、My; you

(    )20、—What is          name?

—It’s Lily.

A、she    B、her    C、hers    D、your

(    )21、—Excuse me. Are          Tina?

—Yes,          name is Tina White.

A、your; I    B、you; my    C、your; my    D、they; their

(    )22、—What is          family number?

—        285397.

A、your; It     B、his; He is    C、his; Her phone number     D、his; It is

(    )23、Linda doesn’t like          bicycle.          Likes mine.

A、your; She    B、your; Her    C、yours; Hers    D、hers; She

(    )24、—What is he looking         ?

—He lost his pen.

A、at    B、after    C、for    D、out

(    )25、Li Tao is a boy.          is my friend.          English name is Teddy.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
