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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9572






6.A.Do you mind my using your telephone?

B.Could you help me buy a telephone?

C.Do you mind helping me buy a telephone?

D.Give me the telephone,please.

7.A.we can watch TV now.    B.We can’t watch TV now.

C.We don’t like watching TV.   D.We like watching TV, but we have no TV.

8.A.I don’t like singing songs.   B.I like singing songs.

C.I am an expert in singing.   D.I can’t sing a song.

9.A.My uncle’s name is John.   B.My uncle has a friend named John.

C.My uncle has a son whose name is John.

D.My uncle asks his son John to name it.

10.A.I drink a bottle of milk.    B.I want a bottle of milk.

C.I have a bottle of milk.    D.I find a bottle of milk.


11.They are going to the cinema.

12.She will take No.40 bus.

13.They will go to the picnic together.

14.Her uncle is a teacher and her aunt is a doctor.

15.They will go to Hong Kong for holiday.


Name Job Reason(s)


Policeman It will be less dangerous in the future and more 16.________

Sam’s brother

17.________ He wants to make 18.________ and 19.________ lighter.They will be more convenient.


Teacher She think teaching will be easier in the future.The teachers can teach just through the 20.________ by computer.And then every student can have classes at home.


21.There is ________“u”and ________ “n”in the word“run”.

A.a,a    B.an,an   C.an,a    D.a,an

22.There ________ a class meeting next Saturday.

A.isn’t have   B.isn’t going to be C.isn’t have   D.aren’t

23.This picture is ________ than that one.

A.beautiful        B.much beautiful

C.much more beautiful      D.beautifully

24.Look! He ________ photos.

A.is taking   B.takes    C.took    D.will take

25.How about ________ a picnic together?

A.have    B.to have   C.having   D.has

26.Li Ming ________ homework in the morning.

A.does any        B.doesn’t any

C.doesn’t do any       D.doesn’t do some

27.I would like ________ some tea.

A.drink    B.to drink   C.drinking   D.drinks

28.--________ will the meeting begin?  --In half an hour.

A.How often   B.How soon   C.How long   D.How many

29.We have ________ homework this weekend.

A.many    B.too many   C.too much   D.lot of

30.--Where’s Taiwan?  --It’s ________ the south of China.

A.in    B.on    C.to     D.of

31.Tom is a ________ student,he speaks Chinese ________.

A.good,well  B.good,good  C.well,well   D.well,good

32.It’s difficult ________ old people ________ learn English well.

A.for,it   B.to,to   C.for,to    D.to,for

33.Running is ________ than swimming,but skiing is ________ of the three.

A.more popular, exciting     B.more popular, the most exciting

C.popular, the most exciting     D.popular, exciting

34.I’m looking forward to ________ to Disneyland someday.

A.go    B.went    C.going    D.to go

35.Every year ________ visitors come to China for a visit.

A.millions   B.million of   C.million    D.millions of



Football is a very popular game in China.There are eleven  36  in a team.Many young people like it.

Li Lei is a middle school student.He’s  37  at football.Tomorrow is Sunday.There is  38  to do,so he is going to  39  a football game.He wants Sam to go   40  him.Sam is   41  America.He is good at football,too.He likes  42  football games very much.  43  he says American football is  44  ours.It’s not round.The football has   45  name in English,soccer.

36.A.players   B.games   C.balls    D.play

37.A.fun    B.good    C.bad     D.liking

38.A.anything   B.nothing   C.something   D.everything

39.A.get    B.playing   C.have    D.watch

40.A.before   B.beside   C.with     D.after

41.A.in    B.leave    C.for     D.from

42.A.taking   B.watching   C.playing    D.having

43.A.But    B.And    C.So     D.Then

44.A.like    B.different from   C.far     D.the same

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