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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9572

45.A.other    B.others   C.another    D.one another



On a small farm in Mexico,there are no schools.A bus is the school.The driver of the bus is the teacher.It’s a school bus,but it doesn’t take the children to school.It just goes round from place to place,and sometimes it comes to this farm.The bus will stay here for three months.The farmers call it a school on wheels.Every time when the bus comes,the farmers will come,running to it,shouting and laughing.They warmly welcome the school bus.

When the bus is on the farm,in the morning,the teacher teaches the small children.In the afternoon.the bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning.At night.the fathers and mothers come to school.They want to learn.too.How the farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm!

46.The driver of the bus is ________.

A.the teacher  B.the student   C.the farmer   D.the school

47.The bus school will ________.

A.take the children to school    B.stay here for a long time

C.take the fathers and mothers to school   D.go round from place to place

48.When the bus school comes the farmers will ________.

A.stop working   B.warmly welcome it  C.be happy    D.both B and C

49.The bigger children have their lessons in the afternoon because ________ in the morning.

A.they can’t get up early

B.the teacher wants to teach the small children first

C.they have a lot of work to do

D.they have to do their homework

50.Which is true?

A.A school bus is a real school for farmers’ children

B.The bus school has no teacher at all.

C.The bus school has no students.

D.The children and their parents on the farm all come to the bus school to learn.



Li Ming is a runner, he runs for the spring sports on the playground every day.Our school is holding the sports meeting today.Li Ming is in the 1500 Meters’Race.At first he runs very fast,but then he falls on the ground.His left leg is hurt.It is a long way from the end of the race.What will he do? People are looking at him.Li Ming gets up and walks the rest of the way.Li Ming doesn’t win the race,but he wins a prize for walking.

51.Li Ming is good at ________.

A.runner    B.playing football C.playing basketball  D.running

52.Li Ming’s ________ is hurt.

A.foot    B.leg    C.arm     D.hand

53.Our school holds a ________ sports meeting today.

A.winter   B.summer   C.autumn    D.spring

54.Does Li Ming get to the end of the race?

A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn’t  C.No,he does.  D.Yes,he doesn’t

55.Li Ming Wins ________ for walking.

A.the race        B.a prize

C.the first place        D.the meeting sports


Everything has a name.All people,places,and things have names.For example,Jenny is the name of a student from England.England is the name of a country.Cities and towns have names,too.Schools and office buildings also have names.For example,tomato,potato and bean are names of vegetables.Apple,orange,and banana arc names of fruit.Names are important.We use names every day.When we meet a new person,we usually ask,“What’s your name?”It’s important to learn a person’s name.Most people have two names.Some people have more names.Names are different all over the world.In Jenny’s class.Jenny must learn the names of the students from all over the world.This is very difficult because the names are very different.

In the United States,most people have a first name,a middle name and a last name.Parents choose the first and middle names for their babies.There are names for boys and names for girls.The last name is the family name.Usually it is the father’s family name.In a family,the mother, the father, and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname(绰号),too.A nickname is a special(特有的)name.It’s not a person’s real name.Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was“Honest Abe”.An honest person(一个诚实的人)always tells the truth,and Abe is short for Abraham.Because he was an honest person.his nickname was Honest Abe.Pele(贝利)is a nickname,too.The football player’s real name is Edison Aeraesde Nascimento,but everyone calls him Pele.Do you have a nickname?

Names are different all over the world.They can be long or short.but they are always very important.

56.Why does everything have a name?

A.Because it’s very easy to tell it from others.

B.Because it’s very easy to remember it.

C.Because it’s very interesting to have a name.

D.Both A and B

57.Why is it difficult to learn names all over the world?

A.The names in different countries are different.

B.There are many names all over the world.

C.Some names are very long,and some are very short.

D.Some people have nicknames.

58.What is Pele’s real name?

A.Honest Abe.       B.Abraham Lincoln.

C.Edison Aeraesde Nascimento.   D.We don’t know.

59.Usually the last name is________ family name.

A.the father’s  B.the mother’s  C the grandmother’s  D.The teacher’s

60.What is Jenny?

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