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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9461




(    )1. The classroom is very ________. No one speaks.

A.  dirty    B.quiet     C. lazy        D.clean

(    )2. Bob likes playing ______ guitar, but his brother likes playing _______ chess.

A. the; /    B. /; the    C. the; the      D. /; /

(    )3. Gina likes action movies,  _______ she doesn't like thrillers.

A. and       B. so        C. or           D. but

(    )4. ---How much are these black pants?


A. It’s ten dollars.           B. It’s ten dollar.

C. They’re ten dollars.       D. They’re ten dollar.

(    )5. If you want to be a reporter, please call Frank _______ 9966330.

A. in       B. at           C. on      D. for

(    )6. --- Why do you like art?


A. I like art very much              B. Because it's fun

C. My favorite subject is art       D. Because it’s boring

(    )7. She is______at playing basketball. And she can sing very ______,too.

A. good ;good    B. good ;well    C. well; well           D. well; good

(    )8. ---Where _______ Mary's pen pals _______from?

---The United Kingdom.

A. does;come    B. does;live    C. do;come    D.are; live

(    )9. There _______ a small park and some food shops across from the school.

A. is           B. are         C. has         D. have

(    )10. ---What ________ animals do you like?   ---I like dogs, too.

A. the other     B. other        C. others      D. another

(    )11. We play games ________ Sunday morning.

A. on           B. in          C. at         D. for

(    )12. ---What kind of noodles would you like ?

---I ______ beef and tomato noodles.

A. like          B. would like   C. like to       D. would

(    )13. ---What _______ do you want?

---Give me the small one, please.

A. kind         B. color        C. size         D. big

(    )14. He’d like to buy two ______, two_______ and half a kilo of ______.

A. tomato; potato; beef          B. tomatos; potatoes; beef

C. tomatoes; potatoes; beefs      D. tomatoes; potatoes; beef

(    )15. I want to be an ______.

A.waiter      B. actor       C. shop assistant    D. nurse

(    )16. Mary likes _____, but she doesn’t like _____ now.

A. sing ; singing  B. sings; singing   C. singing; to sing  D.singing ; singing

(    )17. Jim is 13 years old.        birthday is May 3rd.

A. My         B. Her     C. His    D. Your

(    )18. — What’s in my backpack ? A book?

— Yes,         English book.

A. a      B. an      C.  /            D. the

(    )19. Does your father want         TV this evening?

A. watch     B. to watch   C. watching      D. watches

(    )20. — When does Betty play tennis ?

— She plays tennis         seven         Saturday morning

A. In;at       B. on; on       C. at; in          D. at; on



Different people like different kinds of food. In my __21__, for example, my mother likes fruits and vegetables very much, _22_she thinks they are healthy food. _23_when she goes to the market, she _24_ a lot of cabbages,_25_, apples and pears. But my father_26_ vegetables. His _27_ is meat. He likes many kinds of meat, like mutton, pork and 28_. My little sisiter likes to go to the fast food restaurant very much, so she often __29_ my parents to take _30_ to KFC or McDonald’s. I like noodles. They are easy to cook and quite delicious.

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