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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9461

(    ) 21. A. school      B. family       C. park           D. class

(    ) 22. A. so          B. but         C. because        D. now

(    ) 23. A. Every day   B. Everyday    C. Every year      D. Every month

(    ) 24. A. buy        B. buys        C. buying         D. by

(    ) 25. A. beef        B. tomatoes    C. drink           D. glasses

(    ) 26. A. likes       B. dislikes      C. loves           D. eats

(    ) 27. A. like        B. favorite      C. best           D. most

(    ) 28. A.soup        B. juice        C. vegetable       D. beef

(    ) 29. A. ask        B. asks         C. asking         D. asked

(    ) 30. A. she       B. her          C. they           D. them


It’s Wednesday today. I’m not very busy today. At 8 o’clock I have math. The math teacher gives me a lot of homework. I don’t like math. It’s boring. So I don’t do it. Then at 9: 00 I have English. The teacher tells me to recite (背诵) the text (课文). I can’t read it now. I never read English. Next, at 10: 00, I have Chinese. It’s interesting, because I can speak Chinese. So I never listen to it. At 11: 00 I have history. It’s really fun, because I can speak freely with my friends. P.E. is my favorite subject,but I have no P. E., no sports. I don’t like to be in the classroom all day!

(    ) 31. Why doesn’t he do math homework?

A. Because it’s very easy.       B. Because he doesn’t like math.

C. Because it’s his favorite.   D. Because it’s interesting.

(    ) 32. Why can’t he read the English text?

A. Because he likes it very much.  B. Because it is very difficult.

C. Because he never reads it.   D. Because he likes English.

(    ) 33. What’s his really favorite subject?

A. P.E.   B. Music.   C. Chinese  D. Science.

(    ) 34. He wants to have ________.

A. English  B. P. E.      C. Chinese  D. Science

(    ) 35. Today is ________ for him.

A. busy  B. interesting  C. Wednesday D. boring



(    )36. What’s your telephone number?        A. Her birthday is September 5th.

(    )37. Where’s my backpack?               B. No. That sounds boring.

(    )38. When is Lucy’s birthday?             C. It’s 8896335.

(    )39. Let’s watch TV.                     D. It’s under the bed.

(    )40. How much is the blue T-shirt?         E. It’s ten dollars.


41. Do you enjoy ___________(watch) TV at home?

42. Let’s __________(go) to the zoo together.

43. What do you want __________(be) when you grow up?

44. _________ (thief) are afraid of the policmen.

45. The _________(act) are very popular.

46. We had a lot of __________(funny) in the park last Sunday.

47. Mr. Li is always __________(friend) to everybody.

48. How do you spell this word in __________(Japan).

49.September is the __________(nine) month of a year.

50.I want to join the __________(swim) club.


51. Do you often read books in the l _______(图书馆) ?

52. There is a store in front of the  b_______ (银行).

53.I'd like a medium bowl of n________(面条).

54. ---W_____ (为什么)do you like pandas ?

---Because they are very cute.

55. I will go to Hainan for my summer h_______ (假期).

56. Did you r _______(读) a Chinese poem at the party?

57. My favorite s _______ (季节)is winter.

58. What’s the w_________(天气) like today?

59. I am going to t _______(旅行) to some places of interest.

60. In the Spring F________(节日) , Chinese people make dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
