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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9854





(    )1. Which animal are they talking about?

(    )2. Which is the woman's favourite?

(    )3. What does Millie like doing?

(    )4. What sign are they talking about?

(    )5. When will Mary get to the party?

A. At 6.       B. At 6:30.      C. At 7.

(    )6. Which floor is the girl on now?

A. The fourth floor.     B. The third floor.     C. The second floor.

(    )7. What did Madee play with just now?

A. Books.      B. Matches.      C. Toys.

(    )8. Where are the speakers?

A. In the teachers' office B. On the playground.  C. In the classroom.

(    )9. What will the girl do tomorrow?

A. Go camping.     B. Do housework.     C. Have a picnic.

(    )10. Why will they have a party tonight?

A. Because Peter is leaving.        B. Because Peter is coming.

C. Because it's Peter's birthday.




(    )11. How many people were there in Mr Wu's car?

A. Three.       B. Four.       C. Five.

(    )12. Who sent Mr Wu to the hospital?

A. The students.     B. Mr Wu's friends.     C. The police.

听第一篇短文,回答第13 -15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。

(    )13.A. clothes      B. toys       C. chocolates

(    )14.A. drawing     B. reading      C. writing

(    )15.A. uncle      B. brother      C. grandfather

听第二篇短文,回答第16 -20小题。

(    )16. Where will the speaker go?

A. To a city.      B. To a town.      C. To the country(乡村).

(    )17. What does the visitors not do on the farm?

A. Learn how the plants grow.

B. Learn how to grow plants.

C. Learn how the farmers work.

(    )18. How many days does the speaker stay on the farm?

A. About two days.    B. About three days.    C. About four days.

(    )19. How will they go to the farm?

A. By bike.      B. By bus.      C. On foot.

(    )20. What is the speaker's telephone number?

A. 64126732.      B. 64127623.      C. 64127632.


(    ) 1. - Where_______ you two hours ago?

- I_______ in the garden with my mum.

A. were; was     B. were; were    C. was; was   D. was; were

(    ) 2. I don't like sleeping _______ the window_______.

A. with; opened  B. by opened    C. with; open    D. by; open

(    ) 3. He_______ his watch in his bag but couldn't_______ it.

A. look for  find  B. find; look for   C. looked for find  D. found; look for

(    ) 4. _______ lost the wallet. Whose is it?

A. Anybody     B. Somebody     C. Nobody      D. Everybody

(    ) 5. My cousin wants to travel_______ the world_______ bike in the future.

A. over; in       B. around on   C. over; on    D. around; by

(    ) 6. My mom_______ some time_______ books every day.

A. spent; reading  B. spends; reading  C. spent; read    D. spends; read

(    ) 7. Andy likes going climbing _______. He is a brave boy.

A. alone      B. lonely      C. for himself    D. his own

(    ) 8. Hollywood (好莱坞) is famous_______ its films.

A. for       B. at       C.  in        D. of

(    ) 9. The room isn't_______ for a meeting of ten people. Let's change another one.

A. bright enough  B. enough bright   C. big enough    D. enough big

(    )10. The dress isn't_______ big. Please show me_______ one.

A. so; other       B. so; the other    C. that; other   D. that; another

(    )11. - Who teaches_______ paint? He draws so well.

- Nobody. He teaches_______.

A. him; himself    B. himself to; his  C. him to; himself  D. his to; his

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
