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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9823

(    )73、          is watching TV. Let’s turn it off

A、Somebody    B、Anybody    C、Nobody    D、Everybody

(    )74、There were five bowls          some nice food          them.

A、of; on    B、with; in    C、with; on    D、in; on

(    )75、I decided          a birthday cake          my mother on her birthday.

A、to buy; for    B、to buy; to    C、buying; to    D、buying; for

(    )76、She didn’t like the two chairs—they were         .

A、nice     B、comfortable    C、uncomfortable    D、friendly

(    )77、Listen! Who is knocking          the door?

A、at    B、on    C、to    D、A and B

(    )78、My sister          her homework ten minutes ago.

A、finish    B、finishes    C、finished    D、is finishing

(    )79、Try          late for school again, please.

A、to be    B、don’t be    C、not to be    D、be not

(    )80、—Did your parents go to the cinema yesterday?

—No, we          stayed at home.

A、both    B、all    C、either    D、none

(    )81、He pointed          the map and showed us where he lived.

A、down    B、for    C、at    D、up


(    )82、—When          your mother          you blue dress, Mary?

—Sorry, I really can’t remember.

A、does; buy    B、has; bought    C、had; bought    D、did; buy

(    )83、Tom          a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.

A、put away    B、threw away    C、stood up    D、picked up

(    )84、—What a hot day! How about going swimming after school?

—         ! Let’s ask Daniel to go with us.

A、That’s OK    B、No problem    C、Good luck    D、Sounds great

(    )85、When Jim was a child, they          to France.

A、lived    B、worked    C、reached    D、moved

(    )86、Our teacher told us again          to each other in the library.

A、to speak    B、not to speak    C、don’t speak

(    )87、They were too tired, so they stopped          and had a rest.

A、working    B、to work    C、work

(    )88、They are going to Beijing          holiday.

A、at    B、in     C、on    D、for

(    )89、My coat is different from yours          colour.

A、at    B、in    C、on    D、for

(    )90、There are 29 days in         .

A、January    B、February    C、March    D、July

(    )91、Jane’s mother          lots of money on women’s wear every year.

A、spends    B、takes    C、coats

(    )92、         he          a good holiday last year?

A、Did; have    B、Did; has    C、Does; had    D、Does; have to

(    )93、He with his sister          English yesterday afternoon.

A、reads    B、read     C、will read    D、doesn’t read

(    )94、How long did they          there?

A、stays    B、stayed    C、staying    D、stay

(    )95、They          me a postcard when they traveled in Japan.

A、are sending    B、sent    C、send    D、are going to send

(    )96、They will go to Hainan          holiday by plane.

A、on    B、to    C、with    D、in

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
