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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9837

(  ) 35. ________ is a very tall boy.

A. The twelve   B. The twelveth  C. The twelfeth    D. The twelfth

(  ) 36. We have known each other for ________.

A. a year and half  B. a year with half   C. a year and a half   D. a year with a half

(  ) 37. “What year is it?”    “It’s ________.”

A. nineteen hundred and ninety-seven   B. nineteen and ninety-seven

C. nineteen ninety and seven          D. nineteen ninety-seven

(  ) 38. “What’s the date today?”    “It’s _________.”

A. Tuesday   B. June Fourth    C. June the four   D. June the fo urth

(   )  39. The train from Shanghai will arrive ________.

A. in quarter past six  B. in a quarter past six  C. at quarter past six  D. at a quarter past six

(  ) 40. My friend was born on _________.

A. three of July, 1979 B. the third of July,1979 C. 1979, July the third D. 1979, the third of July

(  ) 41. ________ is less than ________.

A. One-third; two-thirds   B. One-third; two-third

C. First-three; first-threes  D. One-t hird; one-three

(  ) 42. Which lesson did you learn yesterday? _ _______.

A. Lesson Seven  B. Lesson seventh  C. The 7 Lesson D. 7 Lesson

(  ) 43. “What’s the date today?” “It’s _______.”

A. the fourth of may B. the fourth May C. May four  D. May the fourth

(  ) 44. 334 is read ________.

A. three hundreds and thirty four   B. three hundreds thirty four

C. three hundred and thirty fourth    D. three hundred and thirty-four

(  ) 45. In February, there are only _________ days.

A. twenty nine   B. twenty-nineth   C. twenty-nine  D. twenty eight

(  ) 46. There will be a comedy on TV at ________ this evenin g.

A. seven past thirty  B. half past seven C. seven the thirty  D. thirty to seven

(  ) 47. It took me ________ to find out the key to the drawer.

A. one and half hours    B. one and a half hours

C. one and a half hour    D. one and half hour

(  ) 48. I’m so tired after ________ walk.

A. three hours  B. three hours’  C. three hour’s  D. three hour

(  ) 49. There are ________ stars in the sky.

A. million of   B. millions of  C. the million  D. a million of

(  ) 50. the street is ________ wide.

A. two meters   B. two meter  C. the two meter  D. a two meter


(  )76. Tuesday is the _______ day of a week in English.

A. first    B. fifth   C. third   D. fourth

(  )77. There are _______ seasons in a year in our country.

A. two     B. four   C. second  D. fourth

(  )78. The game of _______ Olympics will be held in Beijing in 2008.

A. 29    B. the 29th   C. the 29   D. 29th

(  )79. Most of the stars are much more bigger than the sun. But they are ____ light years away from us.

A. thousand      B. thousands  C. thousand of     D. thousands of

(  )80. _______ of the surface(表面) of the earth is covered with water.

A. First third     B. Two thirds    C. One three     D. Two three

(  )81. There are _______ people in my family. We live on the _______ floor in a tall building.

A. five, six      B. fifth, sixth    C. fifth, six     D. five, sixth

(  ) 82. Boys and girls, we are going to learn _______ today.

A. Four Lesson    B. the  fourth lesson    C. the Lesson Four    D. the Four Lesson

(  )83. My lovely daughter is _______.

A. eight years old    B. eight-year-o ld    C. eight year old    D. eight-years-old

(  )84. The flood happened _______.

A. in the summer of 1998    B. in the summer of 1998s

C. in 1998 of the summer    D. in 1998s of the summer

(  )85. February 28 should be read as _______.

A. February of the 28th  B. February of 28 C. 28 of Feb ruary  D. the 28th of February

(  )86. --- How s oon will you finish your work?    --- In about _______.

A. one and a half month  B. one month and a half  C. one and half a month  D. a month and half

(  )87. We will have a _______ holiday. What about going to Suzhou?

A. five days  B. five day  C. five-day     D. five-days

(  )88. We are sure the _______ century will bring us more hopes.

A. twentieth-first  B. twentieth-one C. twenty-one   D. twenty-first

(  )89. --- What is 1/2 and 1/3?     --- It’s _______.

A. 2/5    B. 1/5     C. 5/6     D. 4/6

(  )90. At the age of _______, he had his own lab.

A. thirty       B. thirtieth    C. the thirtieth    D. the thirty

(  )91. Five times five is _______.

A. five   B. zero    C. ten   D. twenty-five

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语暑假作业
