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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9307

【最新一年山东青岛】1.—Where are the ______ students?

—They are playing football with ______ students from Hilltop School.

A. boys,/        B. boys, the                C. boy, /      D. boy, the


【解析】考查名词作定语和冠词的用法。一般而言,作定语用的名词都是单数形式,第二空后的students特指Hilltop School的学生,故前面加冠词the,所以选择答案D。

【最新一年浙江舟山、嘉兴】17. You'd better read the_________ first before you use the camera.

A. websites         B. expressions      C. instructions   D. advertisements


【解析】考查定语名词的辨析。A选项“网址”,B 选项“表达”,C选项“说明”,D 选项“广告”,根据句意:“在你使用这个相机之前你最好先读说明。”故选C。

【最新一年浙江温州】2.— I like reading.

—Me too. I especially like the        written by J. K. Rowling.

A. homework   B. numbers  C. movies  D. books


【解析】考查名词的用法。homework意为“作业”;numbers意为“数字”;movies意为“电影”;books意为“书”。由上句中的“I like reading.”可推知,我特别喜欢j•k•罗琳写的书。故正确答案选D。

【最新一年浙江台州】17. —I want to see the movie Iron Man 3 (《钢铁3》). Do you know the ______ of the ticket?

—Yes. Five dollars.

A. number   B. price   C. kind   D. name



【最新一年四川遂宁】22. I’m so hungry. Please give me      to eat.

A. three bread            B. three pieces of bread         C. three pieces of breads


【解析】考查不可数名词数量的表示。句意为:我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。Bread 为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式,故选B。

【最新一年重庆】23.—Excuse me, where did you get the book?

— I borrowed it from the_______.

A. cinema      B.library       C. park      D. station


解析:本题考查名词。cinema“电影院”; library“图书馆”;park“公园”;station“车站”。由问句“打扰了,你在哪里买的这本书?”可推知答语为“我从图书馆借的这本书”。故选B。


【最新一年 浙江湖州】17. —— Hello! Is that Jenny speaking?

—— Sorry, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong ________.

A. number  B. name  C. address  D. message


【解析】考查名词的辨析 Is that Jenny speaking?是电话专用语,意为:你是珍妮吗?因此回答说:抱歉,我恐怕你打错了号码,故选A,number,号码。其他的name,名字;address,地址;message,信息,都不符合题意。

【最新一年 浙江衢州】17.  ——Would you please pass me the       ?I need to look up a word in it.

——OK, here you are。

A. bag           B. box        C. paper         D. dictionary


【解析】本题考查四个名词的词义辨析,A “袋子”B“箱子”C“纸”D“字典”。根据句意“我需要在里面查找一个字”,所以选“字典”D。

【最新一年四川内江】31. I' m happy to see great _____ have taken place in my hometown. Many new roads have been built.

A. experiences       B. advantage   C. dream            D. changes



【最新一年江苏常州】2.— I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.

—Is that a        ? I’m sure I’ll get the bike.

A. chance   B. promise  C. trick   D. treat



【最新一年湖南娄底】29. —What can I do for you?

—Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and_________.

A. some chickens       B. any chickens       C. some chicken



【最新一年 湖南衡阳】21. —Jenny, What’s your favorite          .

—I like bananas best.

A. vegetables             B. fruit           C. drink


【解析】本题考查名词的辨析。由下文I like bananas best.可知上句问的是最喜欢吃的水果是什么。故选B。

【最新一年湖北宜昌】35. —My favorite TV _______ is A Bite of Chinese (舌尖上的中国).

—We like it, too. My mother often cooks delicious food after watching it.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语暑假作业
