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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初中英语学习初中英语听力人教版七年级下英语Unit11听力练习


[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语听力   阅读:9850


[00:00.00]Unit11 What do you think of game shows?SECTION A

[00:13.64]Activity 1b.Listen.What does Mark say about TV shows?

[00:20.14]Write a letter [a-e]from activity 1a.

[00:50.44]activity 2a.Listen and number the expressions[1-5] as you hear them.

[01:19.54]activity 2b.Listen again.Fill in the blanks.

[01:50.84]SECTION Bactivity 2a.Listen.In the chart.

[02:00.63]write the things that Maria,Carol,and Evan talk about.

[03:00.74]activity 2b.Listen again.What do Carol and Evan think of each thing?

[03:08.34]Fill in the chart above with the words below.

[04:05.13]activity 3a.Read Maria's article from the school magazine.

[04:11.32]Fill in names of students in the chart on page 88.

[04:15.92]What's Cool? by Maria Lee

[04:19.60]This week,I asked students about fashion.

[04:23.99]I showed each student seven things and asked their opinions about each thing.

[04:30.29]Some of their answers were interesting!

[04:33.50]Here's what the kids in Class 8 said:

[04:37.50]Jodie Smith likes the key ring.

[04:40.50]Her friend Jordan says he can't stand the scarf.

[04:40.61]"It's for moms!"he said.William Jones loves the wallet,

[04:46.75]and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch

[04:51.03](Her best friend Ann Rich doesn't mind the watch,

[04:55.13]but she really likes the hair clip!)

[04:58.45]Jerry Green likes the sunglasses.

[05:02.24]and the cool thing was the belt ,everyone love it.

[05:07.05]SELF CHECK activity 3.Read what Rose Smith says.

[05:19.53]Do you agree with her?Write your opinion.

[05:23.32]I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.

[05:29.62]So I like rings,scarfs and sunglasses.

[05:34.61]I wear colorful clothesbecause I want to be young and beautiful.

[05:39.99]I enjoy nice words about my appearance.

[05:44.30]And I don't mind what young people think of me!

[05:48.29]Words and Expressions in unit 11

[05:57.10]think of




[06:05.80]soap opera














[06:44.67]How about......?










[07:03.27]hair clip


[07:07.58]key ring















标签: 暂无联系方式 初中英语听力
