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初中英语听力:Whats the weather like today

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语听力   阅读:9228

英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。www.xiaozhibei.com为大家整理了初中英语听力:What's the weather like today,欢迎大家阅读。

[00:02.98]What's the weather like?

[00:05.93] Lesson 45

[00:08.99] The forty-fifth lesson

[00:12.23] 2 Practise

[00:17.21]A:How cold it is today!

[00:20.27]B:I agree!But it'll be warmer later on.

[00:25.31]A:What a cold day it is!

[00:30.07]B:Yeah,and it'll get colder,I'm afraid!

[00:34.82] Lesson 46

[00:43.57] The forty-sixth lesson

[00:47.05]1 Read and act

[00:50.70] Bruce rings up his father in Sydney,Australia.


[01:05.23]Bruce:Hello!Dad? This is Bruce.

[01:10.87]Father:Oh,hello,Bruce!How are you?

[01:14.84]Bruce:I'm very well,Dad,What about you?

[01:18.97]Father:Fine.What's the weather like in Beijing?

[01:23.62]Bruce:Beijing?I'm not in Beijing now.I'm in Xinjiang.

[01:29.39]Father:Oh,really? You're in Xinjiang.

[01:33.52]Is it in the west of China?How's the weather there?

[01:39.76]Bruce:Yeah,it's in the west.The weather here is very strange.

[01:45.01]It's cold in the morning,but turns very warm at noon.

[01:50.58]It's also very dry,so the fruit here is very sweet

[01:56.43]because there is a lot of sunshine.

[02:00.29]I like the grapes and melons very much.

[02:04.73]Dad,what's the weather like at home now?

[02:09.10]Father:It's warm and sunny.

[02:12.34]I'm going hiking in the BlueMountains with your mother.

[02:16.88]Bruce:Have a great time.




[02:29.03] 2 Read

[02:32.08]Here is a radio report of the weather in spring.

[02:37.13]A Weather Report

[02:40.00]Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.

[02:45.04]It will be cloudy at times.

[02:48.59]There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River.

[02:53.04]The day after tomorrow will be sunny.

[02:56.59]In the Northeast it will be fine.

[03:00.35]The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime,

[03:04.92]but at night it will fall below zero again.

[03:09.36]In the Northwest, there will be snow in the night.

[03:14.04]The snow will be very heavy in some places.

[03:19.78]Beijing will be rainy.The temperature will be 2 to 9.

[03:25.45]Tianjin will be cloudy and the high temperature will...

[03:30.00]Lesson 47

[03:37.86]The forty-seventh Lesson

[03:41.23] 2 Read and learn

[03:45.07]A:What a fine day today!

[03:48.91]B:Yes,it's sunny but not very hot.Will you play football with me?

[03:55.57]A:OK.Let's go and play on our school playground.

[04:01.63]B:That's a good idea!

[04:04.69]A:Look at the rain! It's really heavy!

[04:09.16]B:Anna,you can'tclimb the mountain today,I'm afraid.

[04:15.61] What will you do?

[04:18.56]A:I think I'll stay home and do some reading.

[04:23.00]B:Good.It's better to do some reading rainy days.

[04:28.56]A:Wow!What a heavy snow!

[04:33.01]I'm afraid you can't go roller-skating outside,Allan.What will you do?

[04:39.67]B:I can go out to play in the snow.

[04:44.81] Would you like to play with me,Adam?

[04:48.34]A:Certainly!Shall we make a snowman?

[04:53.30]B:OK.Come on!

[04:56.65] Lesson 48

[05:05.89] The forty-eighth Lesson

[05:10.15]1.Spelling and pronunciation

[05:14.83]ch: chair cheap child

[05:24.08]ch: reach touch March

[05:31.42]tch: catch watch match

[05:38.78]ge:village dangerous vegetable

[05:49.05]j: January June July

[05:56.78]tr: train truck strong

[06:06.32]dr: dry dress drive

[06:15.38]ts: aunts starts streets

[06:23.14]tes: gates minutes dates

[06:30.71]ds: hands needs roads

[06:39.78]des: grades rides sides

[06:47.82]Unit 12:Listening text

[06:56.57] Lesson 47

[06:59.50]1.listen to the tape and write down the weather information

[07:05.67]Good evening!Here's the weather report for some big cities in China.

[07:11.52]Beijing will be fine with temperatures of -6 to 14.

[07:16.98]Harbin will be cloudy and the temperature will be -20 to -9.

[07:23.45]Taiyuan will be cloudy with temperatures from -10 to 4.

[07:29.41]Shanghai's temperature will be 4 to 12, and there will be rain in the evening.

[07:36.25]Chengdu will be rainy with temperatures from 6 to 12.

[07:41.90]Guangzhou will be sunny with temperatures from 12 to 22.

[07:46.86]Words and expreesions

[07:55.30] Unit 12

[07:58.15]sunny cloud cloudy wet

[08:03.32]晴朗的;阳光充足的 云 多云的;阴天的 湿的

[08:08.49]rainy wind windy snowy

[08:13.48]多雨的;下雨的 风 有风的;风大的 多雪的;降雪的

[08:18.47]later later on ring ring up

[08:23.69]以后;后来 后来;稍后 响;摇铃 打电话

[08:28.92]west strange sunshine

[08:33.35]西方(的);西部(的) 奇怪的;陌生的 目光;阳光

[08:37.77]melon radio report north

[08:42.25]瓜 收音机 报告;报导 北方的;北方部的

[08:46.73]south at times northeast temperature

[08:52.47]南方的;南部的 有时;偶尔 东北;东北部 温度

[08:58.20]above daytime below northwest

[09:03.58]在...上面 白天 在……下;低于 西北;西北部

[09:08.96]lift worse foggy Ottawa

[09:13.98]消散;停止 更坏;更差 有雾的;多雾的 渥太华

[09:18.99]Mwlbourne low

[09:22.38]墨尔本 低的;浅的;矮的

以上就是为大家整理的初中英语听力:What's the weather like today,希望同学们阅读后会对自己有所帮助,祝大家阅读愉快。

标签: weather   初中英语听力
