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关于Family 的情景英语口语100主题

[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语口语   阅读:9147

英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此www.xiaozhibei.com为大家整理了关于Family 的情景英语口语100主题,敬请同学们关注!!

A: Who is cindy’s husband?

B: Cindy’s husband is Ron.

A: How many children do Cindy and Ron have?

B: They have two children-one son and one daughter-as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law.

A: Do they have any grandchildren?

B: Yes, they have three grandchildren-one girl and two boys.

A; Does their daughter get along well with her in-laws?

B: Yes, she gets along with them quite well.

A: Do they have a large family?

B: Their family is very similar to Cindy and Ron’s family.


A: How many people are in your family?

B: As you know, China has a single-child policy. Therefore , there’s just my husband, my daughter and I . What about in your family?

A: I have one daughter and one son. Then there’s my husband and I . What about your parents? Do they live with your family?

B: Not anymore. They live with my brother now. And yours?

A: My parents live by themselves now. When they get older, they’ll probably go to a retirement home. Do you just have one brother?

B: No, I have two older brothers and one younger sister. What about you?

A: I also grew up in a big family. I have one older brother and three younger sisters.

B: How long have you been married?

A: About seven years now. And you?

B: I ‘ve been married for about five years. What do you think about divorce?

A: It’s becoming more and more common. However, I don’t ever want to get divorced myself! What about you?

B: If my husband cheated on me or treated me badly, I would get a divorce.

A: If that happens, maybe you could marry my brother and we could become in-laws!

B: (ha ha) I’ll keep that in mind, but don’t tell my husband.

A; Of course not!

由www.xiaozhibei.com为您提供的关于Family 的情景英语口语100主题,希望给您的英语带来帮助!


标签: 暂无联系方式 初中英语口语
