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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语同步练习   阅读:9532

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Test Paper of Unit 5 First Aid (120 points)

I. Multiple Choices(15 points)

1. ---I’m sorry, I’m late.

---_______, we have a few minutes left.

A. You don’t sorry    B. Not sorry

C. Never mind       D. You shouldn’t sorry.

2. It is well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.

A. invented  B. discovered  C. found  D. developed

3. Sugar is not an important element in bread, but flour is _______.

A. unique  B.essential  C. natural  D. adequate

4.He is very good at carpentering, though _______.

A. he was very young       B. very young

C. he very young           D. is very young

5. I will answer the teacher’s question when _______.

A. I ask   B. I will be asked   C. asked   D. I shall be asked

6. Fruit juice can be harmful _______ children’s teeth.

A. for   B. toward   C. with   D. to

7.My chest _____ when I take a deep breath, doctor.

A. hurts   B. wounds  C.harms   D. injure

8.The foreign teacher Mr. Halt has a strange way of writing. Here’s a notice for him, but no clear_____ of what he has written can be made at all.

A. explanation    B. meaning

C. sense         D. idea

9. The fellow felt rather ____ as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.

A. in place         B. out of place

C. by the way      D. in the way

10. ______ on the snake led to his own death.

A. The farmer’s taking pity

B. The farmer taking

C. The farmer took

D. The farmer to take

11. Not until all the fish die in the river ____ how serious the pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize

B. the villagers realized

C. the villagers realized

D. didn’t the villagers realize

12. With the development of our country, more and more students ____ to university.

A. admit to        B. admitted to

C. are admitted     D. are admitted to

13. --- Brad was Jane’s brother!

--- _____ he reminded me so much of Jane!

A. No doubt      B. Above all

C. No wonder    D. Of course

14. The flowers _____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A. to smell  B. smelling  C. smelt  D to be smelt

15. New York, _____ last year, is a nice old city.

A. that I visited     B. which I visited

C. where I visited   D. in which I visited

II. Closet test (30 points)


In Mr. Allen’s school class, all the students have to “get married”. However, the wedding __16_ sometimes become so noisy that the loud laughter drowns out the __17_ of the “minister”. Even the two students getting married often begin to laugh.

The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and serious business. He wants young people to understand that there are many changes that must take place after marriage. He believes that the __18_ for these psychological and financial changes should be understood before people marry.

Mr. Allen doesn’t only introduce his students to main problems faced in marriage such as illness or being out of work. He also _19  _ them to the difficult and particular problems they will face every day. He wants to introduce young people to all the worries that can bring the __20   point to a marriage. He even makes his students know the problems of _ 21___ and the fact that divorced men must pay child support money for their children and sometimes pay their wives every month.

It has been unsettling for some of the students to see the problems that a ___22__ couple often faces. ___23___ they took the course, they had not worried much about the problems of marriage. However, both students and parents feel that Mr. Allen’s course is ___24___ and have favored the course publicly. Their statements and letters supporting the class have asked the school to ___25____ the course again.

16. A. conferences   B. competitions     C. celebrations    D. ceremonies

17. A. whisper B. announcement C. scream D. voice

18.A. possibility B. responsibility C. need D. supply

19.A. exposes B. explains C. extends D. exhausts

20.A. uniting B. burning C. breaking D. freezing

21.A. wedding B. division C. participation D. divorce

22.A. divorced B. complained C. fascinated D. married

23.A. If  B. After C. Until D. Because

24.A. disagreeable B. flexible C. valuable D. unbelievable

25.A. afford B. offer C. establish D. affect


It’s an age-old saying: Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. Males and females  26  different behaviors almost from  birth. Researchers say these behaviors are due to  27  differences in brain structure and activity. Studies show men are better at hitting targets (靶子)and solving math problems  28  women are better at memorizing words and  29  faces. Why the differences?

A test of the brain’s electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sides of their brain while men rely more on one. Scientists already know that the two sides of the brain control different functions —one controlling the sense of space,  30 , the other controlling language. Some researchers believe that the different ways men and women use their brains  31  from ancient times, when cave men hunted and women  32  the children. Men had to have good aim. Women had to talk to the kids.

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