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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语同步练习   阅读:9811


一、语法单选: 本大题共10小题, 从第1小题到第10小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。

1、John, together with his classmates, ________ because of ________ the school rule.

[  ]

A.was punished. obeying B.were punished, breaking

C.was punished, breaking D.were punished, obeying

2、The man ________ spoke to me was our teacher.

[  ]

A.who B.whom

C./ D.whose

3、 How about ________ it to the manager's own judgement?

That's a good idea.

[  ]

A.leave B.leaving

C.to leave D.having left

4、The boy went out quietly, trying not to make himself ________ .

[  ]

A.heard B.hearing

C.hear D.to be heard

5、At the shopping-centre, he didn't know what ________ and ________ with an empty bag.

[  ]

A.to buy, leave B.to be bought, leave

C.to buy, left D.was to buy, leave

6、It's very dark here, why not ________ the light?

[  ]

A.turn on B.turn off

C.turn down D.to turn up

7、He has fallen in love with her, but she doesn't ________ to care.

[  ]

A.seem B.look

C.seem as if D.look like

8、The visiting professor ________ giving lectures to students ________ invited to meetings at times.

[  ]

A.preferred, to being B.preferred to, rather than

C.preferred, than being D.preferred to, to being

9、My grandfather ________ fishing but now he doesn't.

[  ]

A.used to like B.used to liking

C.was used to liking D.would like

10、Jane will always remember the day of July 15, 1998, ________ she met the famous pop star.

[  ]

A.where B.which

C.when D.that

二、词汇单选: 本大题共10小题, 从第11小题到第20小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。

1、Are you going to__________us in the discussion?

[    ]

A. take    B. join    C. with    D. be

2、Did you_________the general cleaning yesterday aftenoon?

[    ]

A. join    B. attend    C. find    D. take part in

3、Every player tried his best to_______ the game.

[    ]

A. catch    B. take    C. win   D. beat

4、She lives ________, but she doesn't feel ________.

[  ]

A.alone, alone B.lonely, lonely

C.alone, lonely D.lonely, alone

5、After that more and more countries ______ the games.

[  ]


B.joined in

C.take part in


6、Please__________me to introduce myself and my wife.

[    ]

A. allow    B. let    C. make    D. get

7、He was running so fast that he _________ himself against the wall and ________ his glasses on the ground.

[    ]

A. knocked, dropped    B. beat, fell

C. hit, threw          D. knocked, landed

8、Taking exercises can make hearts and bodies_________.

[    ]

A. hard     B. hot    C. hungry    D. strong

9、When will the meeting_________?

[    ]

A. over    B. finished    C. end    D. hold

10、In the last World Cup Competition, the Chinese Women Team ______ all the other women teams and ______ the world championship.

[  ]

A.won, won

B.won, got

C.beat, won

D.beat, receive

三、交际单选: 本大题共10小题, 从第21小题到第30小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。

1、—Good afternoon, Jane. Lovely day, isn't it?


[    ]

A. Good afternoon, Alice, but I don't think so

B. Good afternoon, Alice, not very good, I think

C. Yes, you are right

D. Yes, indeed

2、 I'm sorry I broke your mirror.

Oh, really? ________.

[  ]

A.It's OK with me B.It doesn't matter

C.Don't be sorry D.I'd be happy to

3、 What's your new classmate like?


[  ]

A.He is a student B.He is very handsome

C.He likes reading very much D.He is fifteen

4、—The play was good. _________ —I'm glad you like it.

[    ]

A. What do you think of it?   B. I did enjoy it.

C. I loved the film star.     D. It tastes good.

5、 Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the People's Park?

Sorry. I'm a stranger here. You'd better ask the policeman over there.


[  ]

A.Thank you all the same B.See you later

C.That's right D.All right

6、 Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.


[  ]

A.No thanks B.I'm glad you like it

C.Please don't say so D.I don't care

7、 Happy Spring Festival to you!


[  ]

A.That's OK B.The same to you

C.Excuse me D.You're so kind

8、 I'm sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital.


[  ]

A.That's all right

B.Don't be sorry. She'll be well soon

C.It's nothing

D.It's very kind of you

9、 To improve your listening, why not buy a radio?


[  ]

A.That's a good idea

B.Don't tell me to do so

C.It doesn't matter

D.Why not buy one for yourself?


A: How often are the Olympic Games held?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语同步练习
