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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语同步练习   阅读:9811


[  ]

A.The Olympic Games are the biggest sport games in the world.

B.It's the full form for the Olympics.

C.They are usually held in different countries.

D.They are held once every four years.

四、阅读理解: 本大题共5小题, 从第31小题到第32小题每题4.0分 小计8.0分; 第33小题为6.0分; 从第34小题到第35小题每题8.0分 小计16.0分; 共计30.0分。



Tom, a student who does computer studies at Texas University, found his own parents with the help of Internet(因特网). The news got around soon and many of his friends came to share his happiness. Some of them even asked him to help them find jobs on the Internet.

Before he turned to Internet for help, Tom had spent one year looking for his parents who left him 26 years ago when he was a baby. Using knowledge on computer and network(上网), Tom found out his birth information and sent a notice to Internet in hope of(怀着……希望)finding his parents. Only one day later, Tom's dream came true (梦想成为现实).

When Tom flew to Los Angeles to meet his father, Stephen, they embraced each other lovingly and warmly. They enjoyed the family meeting. Later on Mother's Day, Tom met his mother Silvia.

Three yeas ago Stephen himself also tried hard to look for his son but his hard try ended in nothing. Tom's try on the Internet has turned to be a happy ending.

1.How long did it take Tom to find his parents by Internet?

[  ]

A.Only one day. B.About one year.

C.3 years. D.26 years.

2.Which of the following can we not know from the reading?

[  ]

A.Tom's birth information. B.Where Tom's father lives.

C.Why Tom's parents left him. D.What Tom does.



Take three basins. Fill the basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear (承受) with your hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap (自来水管).

Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in the cold water. You will find that your right hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold. After twenty seconds move both your hands into the lukewarm(微温的) water. What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold. But both hands are in the same basin of water?

1.Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because ________.

[  ]

A.they are in different basins of water

B.your right hand is stronger than your left hand

C.your left hand is stronger than your right hand

D.they were in different basins of water a short while ago

2.This experiment shows that ________.

[  ]

A.sometimes our senses(感官) deceive(欺骗) us

B.we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands

C.hot water and cold water do not mix

D.one of your hands is stronger than the other




Charles White is one of the top artists in America. He is now probably the country's best known Negro artist, who does most of his work about Negro life.

White grew up in Chicago. For his seventh birthday his mother bought him a set of oil paints. One day he pulled down the window curtain and used them to paint on. His first prize for painting was a good scolding from his mother.

In high school he was often truant until he won a school prize for his art work. Then he began to study art seriously.

While he paints, he listens to music, often the gospel kind that is based on the Bible (圣经).“I have to have sounds”, he insists. “I can't paint in silence”.

He never takes a vacation from art, for he is unhappy when he isn't working.

If a painting doesn't seem right, he will start over again completely, “No matter how long I've gone on it or how big it is”.

Today a White drawing sells for $ 1500.His paintings sell for $ 18000 to $ 25000.

1.What could be the best title?

[  ]

A.A Prize, A Painting.

B.Charles White: A Well-known Negro.

C.Hard Work.

D.Thoughts From the Bible.

2.Charles' mother scolded him because ________.

[  ]

A.he had painted on the curtain

B.he wasted lots of money

C.he had not won the prize

D.he was using his set of oil paints

3.White was a truant ________.

[  ]

A.all through his high school education

B.after he won a prize for his art work

C.before he won a prize for his art work

D.because he liked to paint very much



The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It is also, perhaps, the gentlest; but not always!

Elephants are like us in some ways. They live for a long time fifty or sixty years. They can remember things very well. They never forget great sadness or great happiness. A female elephant dies, her daughters and her grand-daughters are sad for many months. They stay with the dead body. Then they carry a bit of it away with them. They never forget a dear friend.

Elephants are like us, but they are also different. They live in families, families of females. There will be a few young males a few“baby boys.”But the females will soon send them away. An elephant family keeps only its daughters, mothers, grandmothers and its great-grand-mothers.

The females stay together for fifty, sixty…a hundred years. The older animals look after the younger ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语同步练习
