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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语同步练习   阅读:9811

And what happens to male elephants? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must leave the family. The females just send them away. A bull(雄性) elephant does not often have a friend. He lives apart, away from the family, and often away from other bulls.

Sometimes the females call a bull. He can visit them then, and stay for a time. But soon his“wives”and sisters send him away again. The females have a very happy family life. What do the bulls think about it? We don't know.

1.Elephants are very sad when ________.

[  ]

A.their parents die

B.a bull leaves their family

C.they are attacked by men

D.they lose a female in the family

2.When a female elephant dies, the others ________.

[  ]

A.leave its dead body there

B.shed(流出)tears together

C.take a bit of the dead body away sadly

D.bury the dead

3.An adult bull elephant often ________.

[  ]

A.lives together with his“wife” B.lives by himself

C.has many female friends D.has many male friends

4.The best title is ________.

[  ]

A.The Elephant B.The four-legged animal

C.The Female Elephant D.The Elephant's Family



The world is divided into two main parts. The difference is that one part is rich and the other is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, a lot of people eat too much. In one part, children go hungry and in the other, a lot of people get fatter and fatter and go on diets, or do special exercises in order to lose weight, The poorer countries are called“the developing countries”. They have special problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can be improved but a lot of things must be done first. New farming methods must be found. The people must be educated. Water must be found. Many of the problems are too big for one country to solve alone. Help must be given by the richer countries but it must be the right sort of help. Money is not enough. The developing countries must be helped to help themselves. But rich countries have problems, too. They are not always very pleasant. Usually, it is the things that make them rich and that also make them unpleasant. Sometimes the air is too bad to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water from.

1.In the rich part, a lot of people ________.

[  ]

A.go hungry and get thinner and thinner

B.eat much in order to get fatter and fatter

C.never get enough to eat

D.have to do something to prevent themselves from getting fatter and fatter

2.One of the problems to be solved in the poorer countries is that ________.

[  ]

A.the air is too bad to breathe

B.the rivers are too dirty to take water from

C.the poor land must be improved

D.water must be made clean

3.The sentence“the air is too bad to breathe” means ________.

[  ]

A.the air is bed enough to breathe

B.the air is not bad enough as to breathe

C.the air is so bad that people can not breathe it

D.the air is very bad so that people can breathe it

4.The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.The Developing Countries

B.The Poorer Part of the World

C.The Difference Between the Two Parts of the World

D.How to Help Each Other

五、完形填空: 本大题共1小题, 第36小题为15.0分; 共计15.0分。


Mrs Power had a 1 in a factory. She swept the floor. She was a very strong old 2 . She lived on the top 3 of a tall building.

One day 4 work she fell over and 5 her leg. The doctor was 6 . He put her leg in plaster(石膏).

“How long do I 7 to carry this weight around 8 me, Doctor?”asked Mrs Power.“ 9 two months.”replied the doctor. “ 10 I will come and take the plaster 11 . But till then you can not climb up 12 down stairs or do hand 13 .”

At the end of two months the doctor 14 again. “Can I climb up and down stairs now, Doctor?” asked Mrs Power.“I think 15 ,”said the doctor. “Well, I am very glad to 16 that,”said Mrs Power. “I am beginning to feel rather 17 . You said I couldn't climb up and down stairs. The only 18 way into my room was 19 the drainpipe(排水管). And that was 20 work, you know.”?


[  ]

A.work B.job

C.doctor D.home


[  ]

A.boss B.lady

C.wife D.assistant


[  ]

A.floor B.ground

C.room D.office


[  ]

A.from B.for

C.on D.at


[  ]

A.hit B.wounded

C.hurt D.broken


[  ]

A.called out B.taken

C.sent for D.asked


[  ]

A.have B.want

C.hope D.force


[  ]

A.on B.in

C.with D.about


[  ]

A.Over B.Through

C.Around D.Round


[  ]

A.And B.Then

C.So D.As


[  ]

A.down B.away

C.out D.off


[  ]

A.or B.and

C.since D.also


[  ]

A.act B.thing

C.work D.job


[  ]

A.went B.came

C.return D.got


[  ]

A.can B.not

C.it D.so


[  ]

A.see B.listen

C.hear D.find


[  ]

A.tired B.angry

C.hungry D.happy


[  ]

A.other B.another

C.one D.a


[  ]

A.through B.by

C.on D.in


[  ]

A.easy B.happy

C.hard D.terrible

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语同步练习
