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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9423






1. What will the woman do later?

A. Take her sons to the hospital.

B. Take her sons to school.

C. Meet her sons at the doctor’s.

2. Why doesn’t the man want any breakfast?

A. Because he has already had his breakfast.

B. Because he doesn’t want to get up.

C. Because he is not hungry.

3. What do we know about the woman?

A. She will miss the next game.

B. She will definitely watch the next game.

C. She will go to the next game if she has the time.

4. What time will the two speakers meet?

A. At 6:30 p.m. B. At 7:30 p.m. C. at 8:30 p.m.

5. What do we know about the professor?

A. He has changed his reading assignment.

B. He forgot to bring the copies.

C. He brought 38 copies.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. What is the man doing now?

A. Walking in the street.

B. Driving on the way.

C. Guiding the traffic.

7. Why is the woman in such a hurry?

A. Because she wants to catch a train.

B. Because the man urges her to hurry up.

C. Because there is a traffic jam in the rush hour.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman’s train is at 8:13.

B. The man will go back to the crossroads and turn right.

C. The train will leave in 20 minutes.


9. Where did the man see the poster?

A. At the school gate.

B. At the College Swimming Pool.

C. On the school bulletin.

10. Who is the contest’s organizer?

A. The Students’ Union.

B. The Recreational and Physical Culture Section.

C. The College Swimming Association.

11. How much does one admission ticket cost?

A. 3 Yuan. B. 6.30 Yuan. C. Free.


12. What does the woman complain about Professor Smith?

A. He’s strict with students and assigns too many writing tasks.

B. He’s hard to understand and gives frequent exams.

C. He’s hard to understand and assigns too many reading tasks.

13. How does the man probably feel about his lecturer?

A. The lecturer is very instructive and interesting.

B. The lecturer assigns too much homework.

C. The lecturer is hard to understand.

14. What does the woman complain about in the end?

A. Lining up in the library.

B. Lining up in the canteen.

C. Lining up in the bank.


15. Who is the manager of the woman’s department?

A. A man who just graduated from college.

B. A man who has been with the company for 2 years.

C. A man wearing jeans and a sweater.

16. How long has the woman been at this company?

A. 2 months. B. About 1 year. C. More than 2 years.

17. What is to blame for her not being appointed according to the man?

A. Her clothes. B. Her competence. C. Her qualification.


18. Where did the red-faced man work when he visited the speaker?

A. In a clinic. B. In a small hospital. C. In a dentist’s office.

19.What did the red-faced man ask the speaker when they first met?

A. Whether he could find a better job in Spain.

B. Whether he could quit the job he din not like.

C. Whether he could become a doctor in England.

20. Why didn’t the red-faced man charge the speaker?

A. Because he was very rich.

B. Because he knew the speaker well.

C. Because he appreciated the speaker’s advice.




21. Some people fear that ______ air pollution may bring about changes in ______ weather around the world.

A. /, the B. the, / C. an, the D. the, a

22. It is said that Chinese eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did about 30 years ago.

A. more than twice B. as many as twice

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

23. ——May I go to play football with Mike now, Dad?

——No, you can’t go out ______ your homework is being done.

A. as B. until C. before D. after

24. ______ the breakfast room, there is also a cozy bar where guests can enjoy afternoon tea.

A. Except for B. In addition to C. In addition D. Except

25. That is the only way we can imagine ______ the overuse of water in students’ bathrooms.

A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce

26. The professor could hardly find enough grounds on which to base his arguments ______ the new theory.

A. in honor of B. in favor of C. in case of D. in memory of

27.——Look at your pale face. You ______ a sleepless night.

——You bet. The work site next to the hotel was so noisy.

A. must have had B. might have

C. should have had D. cannot have had

28. The boy ______ there ______ that the hen had ______ three eggs.

A. lying, lied, laid B. lied, lying, laid

C. laid, lying, laid D. laid, lied, lied

29. It is said that there was a car accident last night, ______ five people and making more ______.

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