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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9391





1.How much did Richard pay for his ties?

A. $40.B.$45.C.$50.

2.What is the woman doing now?

A. Teaching at school. B. Going into politics. C.Doing business.

3.What does the woman suggest the man doing?

A.Spending more time.

B.Talking more with English speakers.

C.Studying harder.

4.How does David probably feel?

A. Disappointed. B. Happy. C.Surprised.

5.How long did the concert last?

A.30 minutes. B.60 minutes.C.90 minutes.




6.What does the man find hardest in learning English?

A. Speaking. B. Writing. C.Listening.

7.What does the woman suggest the man do about his listening?

A.Listen to BBC English program.

B.Buy a radio and listen to English Programs.

C.Find an English pen friend.

8.What had the man better do to improve his writing?

A.Listen to BBC or VOA English program every day.

B.Need a lot of practice.

C.Find an English pen friend.


9.Where does the dialogue most probably take place?

A. At the station. B. At the post office. C.At the airport.

10.Which country will the letter be sent to?

A. England .B,Japan. C.Canada.

1l.How will the letter be sent?

A.By airmail. B.By registered mail. C.By express mail.


12.For what is Mr Gates talking to the woman?

A.To ask for a job.

B.To ask her to make a website.

C.To invite her to play computer games.

13.What will probably happen after the conversation?

A.The woman will call Mr Gates.

B.The woman won’t make the website.

C.The woman won’t get in touch with him.


14.What has the woman just done?

A. She has just opened her own restaurant.

B.She has just got a head cook position in a restaurant.

C.She has just finished her cooking study.

15.How long haven’t the two speakers met with each other?

A. Three years. B. Seven years. C.Five years.

16.Why did the woman change her mind about cooking?

A.She wanted to go abroad for further study.

B.She was interested in cooking French food.

C.She failed in cooking for her family.


17. What do college students today have strong opinions about?

A.About their future.

B.About what is old and new.

C.About what is right and what is wrong in society.

18.What kind of people makes up nearly half of the American population?

A. Young people under twenty-five.

B.Adult people above thirty.

C.Young people above twenty-five.

19.What do American young people find difficult to know much about?

A. The beliefs in American families.

B.The population of American families.

C.The truth of their own lives.

20.According to the passage,in which country is there a big gap between young people and their parents?

A. Only in America. B. In your country. C.In many countries.

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a C. the; the

22. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from

their parents speak at home.

A. what B. that C. which D. one

23. The professor would rather TV at home than to the party.

A. to watch; invite B. to watch; be invited

C. watch; be invited D. watch; being invited

24. Generally speaking, according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

25. Scientists have many theories about how the universe into being.

A. came B. was coming C. had come D. would come

26. —How did you find your visit to QingDao, Joana?

— .

A. oh, wonderful indeed B. I went there alone

C. First by train and then by ship D. A guide showed me the way

27. With the prices of food , the government showed great concern and they decided to take some effective measures.

A. going against B. going over C. going with D. going up

28. The doctor recommended that you swim after eating a large meal.

A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

29. It’s a simple dish to prepare, mainly rice and vegetables.

A. consisting of B. made up for C. belonging to D. made from

30. Engines are to machines hearts are to animals.

A. as B. that C. what D. which

31. The parents, rather than the child, responsible for the fire, everybody thought.

A. was B. were C. has been D. have been

32. At the meeting, they discussed three different approaches the study of math matics.

A. for B. with C. to D. at

33. , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.

A. However well prepared you are B. No matter how you are well prepared

C. However well prepared are you D. No matter how are you well prepared

34. —What on earth has made her so upset?

— at the party, I suppose.

A. To ignore B. Ignored C. Being ignored D. having been ignored

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语试题
