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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9391

Give the handkerchief to anyone in the audience and say, "Here's the match. Can you feel it? Good! Now I want you to break it into two pieces." When he or she has broken the match, you say, "Would anyone like to feel the broken match in this handkerchief?" Several people will probably want to feel it. When they have satisfied themselves that the match really is broken, you say, "Now I'm going to make the match whole again." Perhaps your friends will say that that is impossible.

Hold the handkerchief in one hand and pass your hand or your wand (magic stick) over it, saying: "Abracadabra, abracadabra." Open the handkerchief and let the match fall onto the table of floor, saying "Presto" as it does so. When the audience examine the match, they will find that it is quite whole and undamaged. The member of the audience will see his mark on the match. Everyone will be amazed!

The secret of this trick is quite simple, as in all magic tricks. Long before you do the trick you must do one thing—you must push one of your own matches into the hem (褶边) of the handkerchief. This must be pushed well along the hem so that it cannot fall out or be seen. When you have wrapped up the match provided by a member of the audience you must take care that it is the match in the hem which is broken, and not the other. You should practise the trick in private, of course, before you perform it before an audience.

60. The magician shows both sides of the handkerchief in order to .

A. show the audience what the handkerchief is like

B. push a match into the hem of the handkerchief

C. let the audience put a mark on it with a pencil

D. make the audience believe there is no trick in it

61. How many matches are there wrapped in the handkerchief in fact?

A. 0. B. 1. C. 2. D. 8.

62. Why does the magician say "abracadabra"?

A. He intends to make the match whole again.

B. He needs to draw the audience's attention away.

C. He pretends something super-natural will happen.

D. He wants to make himself less nervous.

63. This magic is actual a .

A. trick of replacement B. chemical change

C. language cheating D. quick hand movement



Welcome to ST. HELENA

We are one of the farthest communities on Earth. Situated in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, our nearest neighbor, Ascension island is over 1,100 km away. You will find us at longitude (经度) 545' West and latitude (纬度) 1556' South--which is more than 1,950 km from the west coast of Africa and nearly 2,900 km from the east coast of South America. Our island is only 16 km long and 9 km wide and our population is 5,000.

Quick Facts

The official and only language of St. Helena is English.

St. Helena's education is based on the British system. School is required between the ages of 5 and 15. Students go to the United Kingdom for tertiary(高等教育的)education.

There are several religious groups on the island. All except one are Christian religions.

The main employer on St. Helena is the government. Other industries include farming, tourism and retailing.

St. Helena is a volcanic island of sheer, barren cliffs and deep valleys. There is very little flat land on the island and no sandy beaches. The highest point is Diana's Peak, which is 818 m above sea level. The central, high area of the island is covered in semitropical plants which change to grassland and pastures as it slopes towards the sea. Close to the shore, the land is dry and unproductive.

Although situated in the tropics, the South Atlantic trade winds(信风)provide our island with a mild, pleasant climate. Temperatures on the coast, around Jamestown, are 2032C in summer and 15~26C in winter. Temperatures in central areas are an average of 5~6C cooler all year round.

64. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about St. Helena in the passage?

A. Its geography. B. Its history.

C. Its climate. D. Its culture.

65. What do we know about St. Helena?

A. There are no colleges in St. Helena.

B. People in St. Helena believe in no religion.

C. Most people are engaged in farming.

D. St. Helena has its own native language.

66. St. Helena is most likely suitable for .

A. beach lovers B. mountain climbers

C. tropic area travelers D. snow skiers

67. By writing this passage, the author intends to .

A. recommend people to live in St. Helena

B. remind travelers of dangers in St. Helena

C. tell of his traveling experience in St. Helena

D. attract more people to travel in St. Helena


As nanny (保姆), cook, cleaner, shopper, driver, and gardener, she has one of the most demanding jobs in Britain today. And paying someone else to do the chores (家务活)which take the average housewife 71 hours a week would cost

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