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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语同步练习   阅读:9132

29.Since it is expected that FED will cut interest rate again, there is no doubt ________ the company will raise the oil price.

A.what B.that

C.whether D.if

解析:选B。题意:预计美国联邦储备银行将再次降息,毫无疑问这家公司将提高油价。there is no doubt that...“毫无疑问……”。固定搭配。

30.________ not to miss the meeting at 4 p. m.,the manager put down his work at once and set out for the City Hall.

A.Reminding B.To remind

C.Having reminded D.Reminded

解析:选D。题意:有人提醒经理不要耽误了4点钟的会议,于是他立刻放下手头的工作赶去市政府大厅。the manager与remind构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。

31.An online survey suggested more than four in five interviewees ________ that measure would not be effective.

A.said B.say

C.saying D.says


32.Would you gather enough courage and energy to ________ the leadership of the dance group?

A.take in B.take up

C.take off D.take down

解析:选B。题意:你有足够的勇气和精力来担任这个舞蹈小组的领导任务吗?take up“承担;接受”,符合题意。take in“吸引;欺骗”;take off“脱下;起飞;腾飞”;take down“拿下;记下”。

33.—How often do you see President?

—It varies ________ what I’m working on.Maybe a few times a month.

A.depends on B.depended on

C.depending on D.depend on

解析:选C。题意“你多长时间见一次总统?”“不固定,这取决于我做什么工作。或许一个月好几次吧。” depend on“取决于……”,此处是现在分词形式作状语。

34.—May I use your car this afternoon?

—Sorry.It broke down this morning again.I’ll have it ________.

A.repairing B.to repair

C.repaired D.being repaired

解析:选C。题意:“今下午我可以用一下你的车吗?”“对不起。今天上午它又坏了。我要找人修一下。” have sth. done“让别人做某事”,固定搭配。

35.—Have the arrangements for the concert next Saturday been all ________?

—Not yet.We haven’t found a free band.

A.in store B.in wonder

C.in turn D.in place

解析:选D。题意:“下周六的音乐会已经准备好了吗?”“还没有。我们还没找到一个免费的乐队。”in place“准备就绪;在适当的位置”,符合题意。in store“即将到来”;in wonder“吃惊地”;in turn“反过来”。



At the age of forty-five,my usually well-ordered life became full of changes.After twenty-two years of working in a __36__,a plan to use less staff __37__ the unemployment of over one hundred people,I being one of them.

My once secure future became __38__.However,I was not a single parent,__39__ the family did not depend only on my income.My motto has always been “Change is good;change is progress”,but when it __40__ my livelihood,I had to change it to “__41__ change and make the most of it.”From the beginning,I __42__ to look at this matter not as __43__ luck,but as a welcome opportunity.I refused to become sorry;__44__,I actively planned to do something new and different.

Having a positive attitude made all the __45__ in the way I pursued (追求)the future.First,I decided to __46__ to college and graduate many years later than I should have.Doing this at my age took more than a little __47__.Not being a graduate had __48__ held me back in my career in the bank,but now it was a personal goal I longed to __49__.With a lot of determination,I went to evening classes and became an adult __50__.In the class,I became more and more confident.During this time,I __51__ that no matter what life throws in our way,personal growth never stops.

The second thing I did to improve my inner-self was to reevaluate(重新评估)my __52__ life.It used to be filled with endless and meaningless events.But now,my heart and life are completely around people I __53__.

The loss of my job led to some __54__ changes in my life.Revisiting the past made __55__ for the future.I realize that I have accepted the change and am making the most of it.


36.A.factory B.company

C.bank D.school

解析:选C。根据第三段中的in my career in the bank可知,作者曾在一家银行工作。

37.A.set aside B.led to

C.made up D.took off

解析:选B。失业是裁员带来的结果,故选led to(引起,导致)。

38.A.clear B.bright

C.boring D.uncertain


39.A.so B.or

C.if D.but

解析:选A。由句意可知the family did not depend only on my income是I was not a single parent的结果,故用so。

40.A.destroyed B.improved

C.affected D.offered


41.A.Make B.Accept

C.Bring D.Collect

解析:选B。根据文章最后一句中的I have accepted the change可以看出,作者的人生格言变成:接受并充分利用改变。

42.A.chose B.considered

C.happened D.pretended


43.A.special B.rare

C.bad D.good

解析:选C。注意前后句not...but...构成的对比,作者并没有把发生的事看作“不幸(bad luck)”,而是把它当作一次良机。

44.A.besides B.instead

C.anyway D.however

解析:选B。后一分句与become sorry意思相反,故选instead,表示“取而代之的是”。

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