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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语同步练习   阅读:9343





Text 1

W:Would you mind helping me ? I want to carry this box upstairs .

M:Well ,I’m in such a hurry.

Text 2

W:I can hear someone coming downstairs .

M:We’d better put the box down for a moment .

Text 3

W:How is your father feeling these days ?

M:Much better ,thanks .The operation was a success .He should be coming home in a few days .

Text 4

W:Get off together with me at Wuhan .You’ll have a good time there .

M:No ,thanks .I’m staying on the train till it gets to Beijng .

Text 5

W:Could you please tell me the time ?

M:I’m sorry ,but I happen to have left my watch at home.

Text 6

M:Would you like some milk now ,Miss ?

W:I’d like to see the menu again ,please .

M:Here you are ,Miss .The chocolate cake is tasty .

W:No ,thanks .I don’t like chocolate cake .I’d rather have the apple pie.

M:I’m afraid there isn’t any more .

W:How about some fresh fruit ?

M:We don’t have any fresh fruit today .All we have is chocolate cake .

W:I’ll just have coffee ,please .

M:Fine ,I’ll bring it right away.

Text 7

W:What are you doing ,Tom ?

M:Writing to my mother .

W:But you wrote her only a few days ago .

M:Yes ,but I have something new to tell her .

W:Something new ?

M:Yes .I’m telling her that I’ve got a part-time job recently .

W:What do you mean ?You’ve been working for nearly a year .Have you been fired by Cedar Deck ?

M:No.My mother doesn’t know I have a part-time job .

W:Why didn’t you tell her ?

M:Because I didn’t want her to worry about my studies .

W:But ,why are you telling her now ?

M:I don’t want her to worry about my life here ,now .You see ,I have just told her I had just bought a second-hand car .




标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语同步练习
