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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语同步练习   阅读:9183






In some parts of the United States ,farming is easy .But farming has always been difficult in the northeastern corner of the country ,which is called New England .

New England has many trees and thin ,rocky soil .Anyone who has wanted to start a new farm has to work very hard .The first job has been cutting down trees .The next job has been digging the stumps(树桩)of the trees out of the soil.Then the farmer has had the difficult job of moving stones from his land .

The work of removing stones never really ends ,because every winter more stones appear .They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below .Farmers have to keep moving stones from the fields .Even today ,farms which have been worked on for 2,000 years keep producing more stones .

That is why stone walls are used instead of fences(围栏)around New England fields .The stone walls are not high ;a man can easily climb over them .But they keep the farmer’s cows from joining his neighbour’s cows .

52.The passage compares(比较) farming .

A.in England and in New England B.in different parts of the U.S.

C.in England and in the U.S. D.in different parts of England .

53.In what order does a farmer in New England do the following things to start a new farm ?

a.removing the stones from the soil b.building a stone wall round his fields

c.digging out the tree stumps d.cutting down the trees

A.a,b,d,c B.b,c,d,a C.d,b,c,a D.d,c,a,b

54.What is the greatest difficulty New England farmers have in their farming ?

A.The soil is hard as rock B.There are too many stones

C.Plants hardly grow D.The soil is too poor

55.New England farmers build stone walls around their fields .

A.to save the trouble of taking away the stones

B.to keep their neighbours from entering

C.because stone walls are stronger than fences

D.because stone walls are easier to build




标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语同步练习
