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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语同步练习   阅读:9760

9.-Could I ask you a rather personal question? www.xkb1.com


A.pardon me B.go ahead

C.good idea D.forget it

解析:选B。句意为:——我可以问你一个私人问题吗?——当然可以,说吧。pardon me请再说一遍;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意;(表示不想重复说过的话)别提它了;住嘴。

10.________in thought,he did not notice me come into the room.

A.Deep B.Lost

C.Absorbed D.All the above



This was my grandmother’s first Christmas without Grandfather. When we reached her house, it did seem a little __1__without Grandfather.

Grandfather had always said the Christmas __2__was the most important. So we set to work assembling(组装) the beautiful __3__tree that was stored in Grandfather’ s closet(储藏室). After we finished, we stepped back to __4__our work. It looked wonderful. But something was __5__.

“Where’s the star?” I asked. It was my grandmother’s __6__. As we emptied box after box and found no star, my grandmother’s eyes__7__with tears. Grandfather had given it to Grandmother fifty years ago. Now, on her first Christmas without __8__, the star was gone, too.

“Let’s __9__in the closet where the tree was,” my sister Donna said. We __10__under beds and over shelves, inside and outside __11__we had exhausted every possibility. We could see Grandmother was __12__, although she tried not to show it. By now, it was __13__outside, and time for bed, as Santa would soon be here.

The next morning, my sisters and I __14__early to see what Santa had left under the tree. After breakfast, the family sat together to __15__presents. “The last gift is to Grandmother from Grandfather.” Father said, in a puzzled voice.

“From who?” There was __16__in my grandmother’s voice.

“I found that __17__in the closet when we got the tree down,” Mother explained.

My grandmother opened it. Her face lit up when she pulled out a(n)__18__golden star. There was a note attached. Her voice trembled (颤抖) as she read it:

Don’t be __19__with me, dear. I broke your star while putting away the tree. Thought it was time for a new one.I hope it brings you as much __20__as the first one. Merry Christmas.


1.A.empty B.cold

C.slow D.absent

解析:选A。由When we reached her house可知作者一家也不和奶奶住在一起,爷爷又去世了,因此在他们到家的时候,家里有些空,因此要用empty。

2.A.wish B.tree

C.spirit D.work

解析:选B。根据下文中的tree that was stored in Grandfather’s closet可知此处指圣诞树是最重要的,因此要用tree。

3.A.unique B.artificial

C.super D.alive

解析:选B。根据前面的So we set to work assembling可知圣诞树是“人工的”,因此要用artificial。

4.A.follow B.show

C.judge D.admire


5.A.losing B.happening

C.missing D.falling


6.A.doubt B.reward

C.honour D.treasure

解析:选D。从下文的Grandfather had given it to Grandmother fifty years ago可知,那是50年前爷爷送给奶奶的。因此奶奶把那星星当作宝贝。故选treasure。

7.A.filled B.covered

C.put D.burst


8.A.them B.it

C.her D.him


9.A.stop B.move

C.start D.stay


10.A.hid B.searched

C.lay D.found


11.A.as B.until

C.because D.though


12.A.disappointed B.amazed

C.excited D.shocked


13.A.snowing B.raining

C.blowing D.darkening

解析:选D。从下文的and time for bed, as Santa would soon be here可知到睡觉的时间了,据此我们不难得知天变黑了,因此要用darkening。

14.A.cheered up B.came up

C.woke up D.looked up

解析:选C。第二天,作者和妹妹早早醒来后,去看圣诞老人送来了什么礼物,因此要用woke up。

15.A.pack B.open

C.pick D.exchange

解析:选B。大家都收到了礼物,围坐在一起打开礼物看。因此要用open。另外下文的My grandmother opened it也是暗示。

16.A.happiness B.fright

C.surprise D.hope

解析:选C。因为爷爷早已去世,居然还有爷爷给奶奶的礼物,故听到父亲的话The last gift is to Grandmother from Grandfather,奶奶会很吃惊,因此选surprise。

17.A.gift B.book

C.note D.letter


18.A.big B.old

C.shining D.broken


19.A.generous B.angry

C.strict D.impatient


20.A.sadness B.concern

C.peace D.joy



(2011年临沂高二期中测试)IQUIQUE, Chile (Reuters)— Rescue workers at the San Jose gold and copper mine in northern Chile had reason to sing this week. A small hole drilled into the earth became a passage to freedom for 33 trapped miners, who spent 69 days underground. “Never have people been trapped for so long so deeply,” says a doctor at NASA, the American space agency, which helped in the rescue.

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