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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小升初英语试卷   阅读:9118


一、 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5分,共2.5分)

( )1.Look!This is our .All the teachers and students can borrow books here.

A.library B.playground C.swimming pool

( )2.My parents’cups are clean,but my cup is .

A.nice B.smail C.dirty

( )3.He usually exercises 7:30 every morning.

A.at B.on C.in

( )4.There is pencil on the desk. pencil is jack′s.

A.a;A B.a;The C.An;The

( )5.Jim likes very much.He swims every day.

A.swimming B.swims C.swim


1.There is some (oranges,milk)in the bottle.

2.This is not my English book. (My,Mine)is at home.

3.Jim is the (first,one)student to get to school every day.

4.---How (many,much)is the ice-cream?---It′s two dollars each.

5.He (does,did)his homework after dinner yesterday.









5.is,windy,today,in.it.Chengdu .


Jerry is an American boy.He comes from New York.He lives in Chengdu with his parents now.His father is a doctor and his mother is an English teacher.He and his mother is an English teacher.He and his mother are in the same school,No.3 Middle School.Every day jerry gets up at 6:30,It′s so early! He has an egg and some milk for breahfast. Then he takes No.47 bus to school with his mother. He loves his teachers and his classmates very much.

( )1.Jerry comes from .

A.England B.the U.S.A C.China

( )2.Where does he live now?

A.America B.China C.England

( )3.What does his mother do?

A.An engineer B.A doctor C.A teacher

( )4.How does he go to school every day?

A.By bus B.By bike C.On foot

( )5.Does Jerry get up late every day?

A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn′t. C.I don′t know.


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