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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小升初英语试卷   阅读:9399

【编者寄语】www.xiaozhibei.com小升初频道,为大家收集整理了有关“英语备考练习按要求填写单词 ”的相关要点,希望可以给大家带来帮助,具体内容,如下述:


1.What____________your mother do?

She is____________teacher.

2.____________does she work?

She____________in a school.


She likes____________shopping. Last weekend

she____________shopping with me.

4.Today is Monday.


5.What____________you do yesterday?

I helped my mother____________housework.

6.____________you have a cold last week?

Yes, I did.

7. ____________ you feel better now?

Yes, thank you.

8.Mike: How____________you, Amy? You look so happy.

Amy: Yes. I____________excited. I am going on a big trip.

How____________you?You look happy too.

Mike: Yes. My father____________going____________buy me a new bike.

9. What____________you do yesterday?

It ____________windy. I____________kites in the park.

10. What____________you do in summer?

I often____________swimming.

11.What does your father____________?

He____________a nurse.

____________he work in a hospital?

Yes, he____________in a big hospital in our city.

12.Amy didn‘t____________ to school yesterday.

She had a headache.

13.____________does John go to school?

He usually____________to school by bike.

14.____________he go to school by bike this morning?

No, he didn‘t. He____________to school on foot.

15. What did you____________for breakfast this morning?

I had bread and milk.

16. ____________did you go on your holiday?

I went to Hong Kong.

17.____________ did you do there?I went shopping.

以上是为大家整理的小升初“英语备考练习按要求填写单词 ”相关知识全部内容。


标签: 暂无联系方式 小升初英语试卷
