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三年级英语Unit one Period one教学

[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语教案   阅读:9286

www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了三年级英语Unit one Period one教学,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

三年级英语Unit one Period one教学

一、 Presentation

1. Good morning,boys and girls.

Say it to each of the students. Copy good morning boys girls on the board.

Today we have a new friend, It’s me. Let’s make friends. 和学生握手,边说: We are friends. Copy friend on board.

Let me tell you my name. I’m Mr Wang. Please call me Mr Wang. Copy I’m Mr Wang on the board. Then let students interduce themselves.

二、 Practice

Let’s come to Miss White’s class. Copy Miss White on the board.

1. Books open. Students read it by themselves.

2. Lesten and repeat. I play it for them.

Question Who is the new friend?

3. Read in pairs.

First with me, then read in pairs by themselves.

4. Act it

三、 More in daily using.

1. Let’s Practise.

2. Activity book.

Unit One Period Two

1. Revision

Sing the song: Hello

Read Let’s talk

Take on the hat and say: I’m --- I’m from ---

2. Presentation

Point to a boy and say: He is a boy.

Point to a girl and say: She is a girl.

Let students say: I’m a boy( or girl) one by one.

Books open and circle the two words.

3. Practice

Play a game: Guess! Boy or girl?

Do the activity book.

4. Add-activities

Let students point to one and say: He/She is a boy/girl. He/She is --- He/She is from ---

Turn to page one and talk about the boys or girls.

Unit One Period Three

1. Revision Let’s chant ABC

2. Presentation

(1). Good afternoon.

(2).This is my friend, Amy.


提示学生对她说:Nice to meet you.

(3). Where are you from?

我问她:Where are you from? 提示她回答:I’m from America.

师生练习 后生生练习 A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from ---

先是戴着Amy, Mike, Bai Ling 的头饰,然后学生根据实际问答。

(4). Goodbye

3. Practice

Books open, listen and repeat.

Read in pairs

Act it in groups and in front of the class.

Game: 抽人物,来问答。准备人物图片。

3. Add-activities

Make a dialogue, to introduce your students to me. 先由我来和学生完成,后让学生代替我。

以上就是三年级英语Unit one Period one教学全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道      三年级英语教案

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