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三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第二课时教案

[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语教案   阅读:9590

www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第二课时教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第二课时教案

一 教学内容

牛津小学英语 3B第八单元第二课时

二 教学目标

1 能熟练运用日常交际用语I’m thirsty. What about…?

2 能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks

三 教学重点

1 能熟练运用日常交际用语I’m thirsty. What about…?

2 能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks

四 教学难点

学生对于soft drinks的正确理解和运用。

五 课前准备

板书:Unit 8 I’m hungry


1 磁带及录音机。

2 准备与本课有关的食物和饮料极其相关图片。

3 让学生各自带杯子。

六 教学过程

Step1 Revision

1 Do a model with S1.

T: Let’s go to the supermarket.

S: Great.

T: I’m hungry. What would you like?

S: I’d like a hot dog.

T: Here you are.

S: Thank you.)


Step 2 Presentation

1 S—T Make a dialogue like Step 1 (教师吃下热狗做出很渴的表情, T : I’m thirsty.(喝些水) I’m OK now.Are you thirsty? A glass of juice?如学生回答Yes 老师就往学生的杯子里倒些橘子汁。

On the Bb: thirsty. (Ss learn to say)

I’m thirsty.

T:I’m thirsty. What would you like?

S: I’d like a glass of juice.

T: Here you are.

S: Thank you.


2 S: I’m thirsty.

T: S1, what about a glass of juice?

S1: Yes, please.(The teacher act)

T: What about a cup of tea?

S1: No, I’d like a…

On the Bb: What about…? (Ss learn to say)

Ask student to work in pairs like this.

S1: What about…?

S2: Yes./No. I’d like…


3 Show them a soft drink.

T(Let S1 to taste) Is this orange juice?

S1: No.

T: This is a soft drink.

Point to the cola .

T: This is a soft drink.

Point to the cola .

T: This is a soft drink.

(Ss learn to say)

T: Do you like a soft drink?

S: Yes,I’d like a soft drink.

4 Make a dialogue like this.

T: Let’s go to the supermarket.

S: Great.

T: I’m thirsty.

S: What about some juice?

T: No,I’d like a soft drink.

S: Here you are.

T: Thank you.


5Teach a carton of milk in the same way.

6 Play a game.

Show the picture of Page 48


Step3 Consolidation

1 打出投影 (A 部分3、4副图),

a 师生谈论图片

b 听录音,跟读课文两遍

c 分角色朗读

d 编对话,并进行表演


T: Let’s go to the supermarket.

S: Great.

T: I’m hungry.

S: What about a sandwich?

: T: Sounds good.

S: Here you are.

T: Thank you.

S: I’m thirsty.

T: What would you like? A glass of juice?

T: I’d like a soft drink.


3 WB: Unit 8 Part A

Step4 Homework

Read Part A and Part B after the tape.

Unit 8 I’m hungry

I’m thirsty .What about…?

Yes,/No, I’d like a carton of milk./a soft drink.


以上就是三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第二课时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道       三年级英语教案

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