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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语同步练习   阅读:9896



Put the chairs on the shelf.

Put the tape recorder between the dictionary andthe tape recorder.

Put the exercise book under the desks.


1. Let’s clean the _____________ (classroom / bedroom).

2. Put the chairs ___________ (under / behind) the desks.

3. The board rubber is beside the _________________ (exercise books / tape recorder).

4. The tape recorder is in that ____________ (shelf / corner).

5. Please put the tape recorder on the ___________ (shelf / desk).

6. Please put the ___________________ (exercise books / board rubber) on the shelf.

7. Put the exercise books _______ (beside / between) the dictionary and the tape recorder.


1. Let’s __________ (清洁) the classroom.

2. Put the chairs __________ (在…下面) the desks.

3. Where’s the ________ _________ (黑板檫)?

4. There it is, beside the ___________ _________ (练习本).

5. Where’s the ________ ____________ (录音机)?

There it is, in _______ ________ (那个角落).

6. Please put the tape recorder _______ ________ _________ (在架子上).

7. Please ________ (放…) the exercise book ______ _______ ________ (在架子上).

8. __________ (在…之间) the dictionary ________ the tape recorder.


Xiaoling: Jiamin, Let’s c________ the classroom.

Jiamin: OK.

Xiaoling: Put the chairs u_______ the desks, p________.

Janet: Where’s the board r_________?

Ben: Is it in Miss White’s d________?

Janet: There it is, b________ the e_________ books.

Ben: Thanks.

Janet: Where’s the t_______ r___________.

Xiaoling: T______ is it, in that c_______.

Xiaoling: Jiamin, please p______ the tape recorder on the s_______.

Jiamin: O_____.

Xiaoling: Jiamin, please p_____ the exercise books o_____ the shelf.

Jiamin: W________?

Xiaoling: B________ the dictionary a______ the tape recorder.






标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语同步练习
