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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语同步练习   阅读:9600


姓名 班级 分数


1. 2. 3. 4. ______ ______ ______ ______

5. 6. 7. 8.

______ ______ ______ ________

9. 10. ______ ______


1.do not (缩写形式)_____ 2.I’d(完全形式) _____ 3.plates (单数 ) _____

4.old(反义词)_____ 5.hot(反义词)_____ 6. mother(对应词) _____

7. in (反义词) _____ 8.drink(现在分词)_____

9. eat(现在分词) _____ 10. black (反义词 ) _____


( ) 1. — How ____ glasses of milk ?

— ______ .

A. many, Fifteen B. much, Thanks C. many, No

( ) 2. ____ likes salt on porridge.

A. I B. She C. You

( ) 3. — _____ sweater is this ?

— It’s mine.

A. Who B. Whose C. What

( ) 4. _____ is Lucy. Is it _____ dress ?

A. It her B. She her C. This she

( ) 5. — Where is your blouse ?

— _______.

A. It’s in my bag. B. It’s white.

C. This is my book.

( ) 6. — What’s your name ?

— _____ name is Lucy.

A. His name B. I C. My

( ) 7. I have _____ apples !

A. an B. a C. lots of

( ) 8. — Two yuan.

— That’s ________ .

A. expensive B. lots of C. many

( ) 9. — Is he thirsty ? — ________ .

A. He is thirsty. B. He is a boy.

C. Yes, he is.

( ) 10. — How old are you ?

— I’m ________ .

A. Yang Cheng B. name C. nine

( ) 11. — What would you like, please ?

— _________ .

A. They are hot dogs. B. My name is Tom.

C. I’d like some hot dogs.

( ) 12. — Where are you from ?

— ________ .

A. I’m Li Ming. B. I’m all right.

C. I’m from China.

( ) 13. — Would you like some bottles of juice ?

— ________ .

A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, please.

C. I like juice

( ) 14. — How much is the eraser ?

— ________ .

A. How are you ? B. It’s OK.

C. One yuan.

( ) 15. — Your pants are nice, I like them.

— ________ .

A. Thank you. B. These are pants.

C. Yes, I do.

四、情景交际。 (10分)

1.当你想问对方“这是你的围巾吗?”应说:________ ?

A. Are this your scarf ?

B. Is this your scarf ?

C. Are this your scarfs ?

2. 当你想说“这件外套太小了”你应说:________.

A. This coat is too new.

B. This coat are too big.

C. This coat is too small.

3. 当你想问今天是星期几时,应说:________ ?

A. What day is it today ?

B. How day is this today ?

C. Which day is it today ?

4. 当你让别人穿上衣服时,应说:________.

A. Put at you clothes.

B. Put on your clothes.

C. Put in you clothes.

5. 当你建议大家一起唱歌时,应说:________.

A. Let’s eat !

B. Let’s sing a song !

C. Let’s dringk !

6. 你想问Jenny是否饿了时,你应说:_ _______ ?

A. Are you hungry, Jenny ?

B. I’m hungry, Jenny.

C. Are you thirsty, Jenny ?

7. 当你想问“对方最喜爱的食物是什么?”你应说:________?

A. What’s your like food ?

B. What’s your good food ?

C. What’s your favourite food ?

8. 朋友在你家吃饭时,你客气地问他是否喝汤时,你应说:________?

A. Do you like some soup ?

B. What do you like ?

C. Would you like some soup ?

9. 午饭准备好了,妈妈怎么说:________.

A. How is lunch.

B. Supper is ready.

C. Lunch is ready.

10. 当你向别人说我的鞋是蓝色的,应:________.

A. My shoe is blue.

B. My shoes are blue.

C. My shoes is blue.


1. She is wearing a green skirt. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ she ________ ?

2. Do you like blue socks ? (作肯定回答)


3. They are my pants. (就划线部分提问)

________ pants are ________ ?

4. They are new. (变选择疑问句)

________ they new ________ old ?

5. Do you like your skirt ? (变肯定句)

I ________ ________ skirt .


1. Li Ming ________ (put on) his shoes.

2. He ________ (give) me some ________(juice) to drink.

3. I do ________(I) homework in the afternoon.

4. I ________(have) a pair of shoes.

5. I would like two ________ (bottle) of ________ (pop).


( )1.Are you ready to order?

( )2.May I borrow your book?

( )3.Nice to meet you !

( )4.What would you like ?

( )5.How much is that?

A. Nice to meet you, too.

B. Yes.

C. Fifteen yuan.

D. Sure.

E.I’d like some rice and milk.


I get up at 6:50 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I have milk,apple and break for breakfast.At 7:30,I go to school by bus.I arrive at school at 8:00.Then I begin my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after school.

( )1.I_____ at 6:50 every morning.

A. work B. get up C. wake up

( )2.My breakfast is at_____

A. 7:20 B. 7:30 C. 7:00

( )3.I go to school_____.

A. by bus B. by train C. on foot

( )4.I_____ school at 8:00.

A. arrive at B.arrive in C.arrive

( )5.I_____ at 5:30.

A. go home B.play football C.sleep

九、写作,根据给出的内容把所缺单词补全。 (10分)

My_____(名字)is Lynn. There are five people in my_____ (家庭). They_____ (是) my dad, my mum,my sister,my_____ (哥哥) and _____(我).I am the youngest(最年轻的) child at home.I am ten years old. Juliet is two years older than me. And my brother Tim is three years older than Juliet._____ (我们)love each other (彼此) very much. Dad _____ (工作) in a factory,and my mother is a _____ (教师)._____ (他们) both work very hard.We should (应该) also study hard (努力学习) to make our parents _____ (高兴).






标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语同步练习
