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《Open day》教学方案

[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语教案   阅读:9131

www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了《Open day》教学方案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

《Open day》教学方案




根据<<英语课程标准>>和四年级学生的特点.我是这样设计本课的:首先以一个猜谜游戏导入新课,让学生猜一猜老师手里的盒子里有什么.引出了There be 句式,然后运用学生身边现成的书包、文具盒等等道具来操练There be的句型结构。这样不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,也使教学环节之间的衔接十分自然。同时我还从学生的生活出发,设计贴近学生生活的教学活动和任务,吸引和组织学生参与,要求学生介绍自己的教室时,要求学生用所学的知识与技能解决实际问题,完成任务。这样的设计从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,创设了与完成任务相关的情景,进行了语言知识与技能的训练,尽量使学生在真实的情景和方式中学习英语知识,发展语言能力。


1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a computer, a bookcase, a classroom, a music room, an office, a playground.

2.能正确地听、说、读词汇a music room, Open Day;

3.能正确地听、说、读、写句型 What’s in the...?

There's a /an…in the ...

There are some ...in the ...

4.熟悉歌曲 In the classroom


1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a computer, a bookcase, a classroom, a music room, an office, a playground

2.能正确地听、说、读词汇a music room, Open Day


1.能正确地朗读单词a blackboard,a picture,an office,a playground

2.能正确地听、说、读、写句型 What’s in...?

There's a /an...in the ....

There are some ...in the ....


教具准备 :本课的单词图片 、磁带录音机、教学挂图等


Step1. Warming up

1. Greetings

T:Good morning,boys and girls.Nice to see you.

Ss:Nice to see you,too

T:How are you?

Ss:Fine, thanks you.And you?

T:I am fine ,too.Thank you.

Who’s on duty today?

S1:I am.

T:Time for class. Let’s listen to the English song. OK?


T:What’s in the classroom

(设计意图:通过英语问候,听英语歌曲,活跃气氛,缓释紧张情绪,将学生带入英语课堂。其次在这首歌曲的学习中,渗透本课的句型What’s in the classroom?可以让学生在轻松的气氛中进入到本课的学习。)

2.Free talk and review


T:This is a picture of my study. What’s in the study?

S1:A bookcase.

T:Yes,you can say: There’s a bookcase in the study.

What’s in the bookcase?

S2:Some books.

T:Good, we can say: There are some books in the study.

S3:A computer.There’s a computer.

S4:A chair.There’s a chair.

Step2. Presentation (1)

1、Teacher takes a box , let the students touch and guess:“What’s in the box?”

Like this: T: What’s in the box?

S1: A pencil case.

T: Yes.It’s a pencil case.So you can say : There’s a pencil case in the box.

板书There’s a...句型并领读.

T: What’s in the pencil case? Open it.

S2: There’s a rubber in the box.

T:You ask me, OK?

S2: What’s in the box?

T: There are some pens in the box.

板书There are some... 句型并领读

T:There’s a rubber and some pens in the box.(或者可以说)

There are some pens and a rubber in the box.(强调There be句型的就近原则)

(设计意图:做这个游戏,学生进行猜测,说出每一个物体,教师可用Yes.There’s/There are来说句子。这样既能巩固以前所学单词,又能引出本课所学句型,而且这个游戏本身就带有趣味性,可以活跃课堂气氛。)

2、Work in pairs/groups

Practise the patterns:

What’s on the desk/in the bag/in the pencil case?

There's a /an…in/ on the ….

There are some ...in/ on the ….

(设计意图: 运用学生身边现成的书包、文具盒等等道具来操练There be的句型结构。这样不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,也使教学环节之间的衔接十分自然。)

3.Let the students come to the frout to act

Step3. Presentation(2)

1、Show the picture”classroom” and the teacher ask students:

T: What’s this ?

S1:It’s our classroom .(在老师的帮助下读classroom)

T:It’s big and bright. (手指黑板)What colour is it?

S1:It’s black.

T:We can say:blackboard---black+board

T: What’s in the classroom?

S1: There’s a/an… in/ on the ….

S2: There are some …in/ on the ….

2、 引入单词的教学并拼写

a chair/blackboard/bookcase/picture/computer.



3、Follow the tape to read the words


4、 Work in pairs to read the words


5、Show the pictures to read


6、Teacher asks students some questions:

T: What’s in the classroom ?

S3: There are some pictures in the classroom

S4: There’s a computer and a TV in the classroom.

S5: There’s a bookcase in the classroom.

S6: There are some chairs and desks in the classroom.

S7: There’s two blackboards in the classroom .


7、Show the picture of“a music room” to teach :

T: What's in the picture?

S1: There is a piano in the picture.

S2: There is a guitar in the picture.

S3: There are some violins in the picture.

T: Where is it?


T:It’s a music room.

出示单词 a music room 并示范朗读,让学生跟读。

T: What’s in the music room?

S1: There is a piano and a guitar in the music room.

S2: There are some violins and a guitar in the music room.

按照同样的教法教an office 和 a playgroud并把单词板书在黑板上。其中playground按play+ground教学

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标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语教案
