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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语试卷   阅读:9569

(   )4. Look at the ________ desk.          A. teacher   B. teachers    C. teacher’s

(   )5. He ________ big eyes.               A. is        B. has       C. have

(   )6. What’s ________ name?             A. she       B. she’s      C. her

(   )7. Let            clean the fish bowl.   A. my        B. I        C. me

(   )8. Who’s your ________ teacher?        A. Chinese    B. chinese    C. Math

(   )9. We have six ________.               A. light      B. lights      C. a light

(   )10. My friend ________ quiet.           A. has       B. are        C. is


1、 the    where    is    chair  ( ? )

2.、see   Let   us   and   go     ( . )

3、big   is   so   It             ( . )

4、schoolbag  my  has  friend  a  yellow  ( . )

5.、has  Mike  hair  short  brown     ( . )


九、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分)

A                                     B

(   )1、How many pencils do you have?          A、 His name is Mike.

(   )2、Where is my picture?                   B、 Ten  story books.

(   )3、What colour is this bag?               C、 Thank you.

(   ) 4、What is his name?                   D、 I  have three pencils.

(   )5、What’s in the schoolbag?               E、 It is near the door.

(   ) 6、Let me help you?                    F、 Lili is my good friend.

(   )7、How many English books can you see?   G、 It is orange.

(   )8、Who is your good  friend?             H、 She is my sister.

(   )9、What do you like?                    I、 I can see five.

(   )10、Who is she?                        J、 I like English.

十 根据课文内容填空,只填序号。(10分)

A、have     B、what    C、how    D、here you are   E、have   F、may

Amy:Hi!ChenJie,I__a new schoolbag.

ChenJie:Really?__colour is it?

Amy:It is black and white.Look!

ChenJie:Wow!It is a panda!__nice!

Amy:I__many books.

ChenJie:A fat panda!

ChenJie:__I have a look?




I have a friend.Her name is WangChen.She is ten.She is a girl .She is from ShangHai.She is beatiful.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. She likes English. We are good friends.

(    ) 1、WangChen is a boy.

(    ) 2、She is twelve.

(    ) 3、She is from ShangHai.

(    ) 4、She has a big mouth.

(    ) 5、She likes English very much.







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标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语试卷
