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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语试卷   阅读:9775


Part I  Listening (听力部分) 40%

I. Listen and choose (选出听到的单词、词组和句子)12%

1. A. name B. nine C. nice

2. A. he B. he’s C. his

3. A. sixteen B. seventeen C. eighteen

4. A .back B. bag C. black

5. A. shirt B. short C. shorts

6. A. my friend B. his friend C. her friend

7. A. some apples B. some pears C. some peaches

8. A. a pair of shoes B. a pair of socks C. a pair of gloves

9. A. this man B. that man  C. this postman

10. A. jump very high B. jump very fast C. jump very well

11. A. It’s Jill’s new skateboard. B. Is it Jill’s new skateboard? C. It isn’t Jill’s skateboard.

12. A. This is my student number. B. This is her student number. C. This is his student number.

II. Listen and number (听一听,用1---6给下列图片编号)6%

III. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)6%

1. A. He’s fourteen. B. Yes, he’s fourteen. C. No, he’s fourteen.

2. A. He’s hungry. B. She’s hungry. C. It’s hungry.

3. A. How do you feel? B. What can you do? C. Where are you?

4. A. I am a student. B. He is a student. C. She’s a student.

5. A. Yes, he’s a cook. B. No, he’s a cook. C. He’s a cook.

6. A. What does your grandfather do? B. What does her grandmother do? C. What do his grandparents do?

IV. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)6%

1. A. Thirsty. B. Cold. C. Hungry.

2. A. 11 B. 12 C. 14

3. A. Draw a flower. B. Read a book. C. Paint a mask.

4. A. Li Hong. B. Li Rong. C. Li Ming.

5. A. A nurse. B. A driver. C. A doctor.

6. A. No, I have a dress. B. No, I have a T-shirt. C. No, I have a skirt.

V. Listen and judge (听录音判断,用"T"或"F"表示)5%

1. David is happy.

2. Paul is Liz’s friend.

3. Paul has two small ears.

4. Paul can run, but he can’t jump.

5. Paul is a rabbit.

VI. Listen and fill in the blanks(听短文,填入所缺的单词)5%

Look! This is a photo of Danny’s ___________. You can see Danny’s _____________, his grandmother, his father, his mother, his ___________ and him. Danny’s grandparents are old. They are at home. There are pictures on trees and flowers. Danny’s father is a _________. He can swim. Danny’s mother is a  _______ . She can sing. They are happy.


Part 2  Reading and writing(读写部分) 60%

I. Find the word with a different sound in each group(在下列各组单词中找出一个划线部分与其他单词发音不同的词)5%

1. A. window B. crow C. down

2. A. head B. dream C. bread

3. A. watch B. wash C. fish

4. A. blouse B. cousin C. mouse

5. A. cook B. book C. too

II. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案)12%

1. --- How do you feel, Jill? --- _________ happy.

A. She’s B. I’m C. He’s

2. My friends can _________.

A. play the football B. play a football  C. play football

3. How _________ your friend feel?

A. can B. do C. does

4. Look at _________ bird. It is blue and yellow.

A. Martin’s B. Martins C. Martin

5. My sister has got a _________ dress.

A. blue short B. short blue C. short and blue

6. What does your mother do? She’s _________.

A. cook B. a cook C. a cooker

7. I have _________uncle.

A. a B. an C. some

8. I’m very cold. Please give me a _________.

A. shirt B. skirt C. coat

9. My brother has a _________.

A. blouse B. dress C. shirt

10. This is my _________. He is a nurse.

A. aunt B. father C. mother

11. _________ Xu is my uncle.

A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr

12. Danny and Tom are _________ super.

A. two B. both C. all

III. Fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空) 6%

1. Let’s _________ (go) to the park.

2. The little boy _________ (have) a pet. _________ (he) name is Billy.

3. Here _________ (be) some bread for _________ (you), Tom.

4. Kitty is a pretty girl. She likes _________ (dance).

IV. Fill in the blanks (根据句意填空,每空一词) 5%

1. Today is my birthday. I have a _________.

2. The firefighters are very _________.

3. Look _________ the fire engine.

4. Welcome _________ our school.

5. This is the lady _________ the red dress.

V. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子,每空一词) 12%

1. That man is your new teacher. (根据划线提问)

_________ _________ that man?

2. He is full.(改为否定句,但意思不变)

He _________ _________.

3. This is a doll. It’s Jill’s.(合并成一句)

This is _________ _________.

标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语试卷
