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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语教案   阅读:9819




Fun with English 5B Unit 3 Hobbies the first period Part A Read and say


本单元通过Mike和Yang Ling到Ben家里做客,引出话题,谈论兴趣爱好。主要学习一般疑问句Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.和主语为第三人称单数动词的用法。在教学过程中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法引出句型。





1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every, aunt, uncle.

2.能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组take photos, Show us …, please. Here they are.


4.会唱英语歌曲Do you have any hobbies?








课前准备:文字材料(lyrics, chant的内容、完成对话)


A Sing a song

1. Show the lyrics and play the cassette.

2. Have Ss try to hum the song Do you have any hobbies?


B Free talk 1. What day is it today?

2. How are you?

3. What’s in the classroom?

Practice in pairs.

4.(show an album)I like collecting stamps. What do you like?

① Work in pairs.

② Have some Ss have a dialogue.


C Presentation and practice1. Learn a stamp

① T (show an album and point to a stamp): What’s this? It’s a stamp.

Teach Ss reading.

② T (show another two stamps) : Look, there’s a tiger on this stamp. There’s a cat on that stamp. The tiger is an animal. The cat is an animal, too.

③ Have Ss try to understand the meaning of the word animal.

2. Learn hobby

① T: (show the album) Just now I told you I like collecting stamps. I like it very much. Collecting stamps is my hobby.

② Have Ss explain the word hobby.

③ Teach reading.

④ T: OK. Today we’ll learn Unit 3—Hobbies.

3. Learn a ship, beautiful, collect stamps

① T (show a ship stamp) There’s a ship on the stamp. It’s very nice. It’s beautiful.

② Teach Ss reading.

③ T (show the album) Look! I have many beautiful stamps. I like collecting stamps.

a. T: Do you understand what the meaning of the word collect is?

b. Teach Ss reading.

4. Learn take photos

① T (作拍照状) : I like taking photos. Clear?

② Read the phrase and sentence.


5. Chant.

①Show the lyrics.

Do you have any bobbies?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I like taking photos.

Oh, me, too. Oh, me, too.

Do you have any bobbies?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I like collecting stamps.

Oh, me, too. Oh, me, too.


设计意图:在操练重点句型时,教师可以运用Chant这一集体性活动形式,能促使学生大胆开口说,不但提高了学生口语表达能力,还可以通过Chant 来灵活转换学习内容,活跃学生思维,强化记忆,对于学生掌握新句型大有帮助。

6. Sing a song.

① Play the cassette and have Ss sing the song Do you have any hobbies.

② Have a student try to sing the song.

③ Sing the song together.


7.T (作钓鱼状)I like fishing. Do you like fishing?


① Have some students tell what they like doing. Then T says and writes the sentence on the Bb.

He/ She likes …

② Have Ss repeat.

D Read and say1. T shows the hanging chart.

2. Have Ss look at the pictures carefully.

Ask and answer:

① Who are they?

② What are they doing?

3. Play the cassette with pausing.

T asks Yes/No questions.

① Is Ben’s hobby collecting stamps?

② Does he have many beautiful flowers?

③ Does Ben like collecting stamps?

④ Does Ben’s brother like collecting flower stamps?

4. Listen again, then have the students answer the question What does Ben’brother like.


5. Listen and repeat.

6. Read the dialogue themselves.

7. Practice reading in big groups.

8. Have Ss complete the dialogue.

Ben’s hobby is ___ ___. He has many ___ stamps. He is ___ them to his classmates.

Ben: I like ___ Chinese stamps.

Mike: They’re interesting. I like this ship stamp.

Yang Ling: I think these flower are ____.

Ben: My brother ___ ___ animal stamps.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 五年级英语教案
