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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9640



班级_______ 姓名 _______

一、 按题目要求填空。

1、A:What’s your season ? B: winter.

2、A:What’s your ? B:Summer.

3、A: ? B:fall.

4、A: season do you like ? B:Spring.

5、A: season ? B:Winter.

6、A: Would you to do ? B:I’d like to skate.

7、A: you like to do ? B: like to swim.

8、A: do you like fall ? B:Because I can fly kites.

9、A: like spring ? B: I can plant .

10、A: season is it ? B: fall.


1、A: . B: Winter.

2、A: . B:I like spring best.

3、A:Why do you like summer?

B: (游泳)

4、A:Which season does Mike like best ? (春天)


5、A:Which season does Amy like best? (冬天)


6、A: ?

B:Because I can make a snowman.

7、A: ?

B:Because she can plant trees

8、A: ? B:He likes fall best.

9、A: ? B:Sarah likes summer best.

10、A: ? B:I’d like to go hiking.

三、 根据提示, 完整回答下列问题.

1. What do they do on the weekend? (野餐)

2. What do you do on Sundays? (弹钢琴)

3. What can Mike do? (洗碗)

4. Do you read books every day? (踢足球)

5. Does grandma do morning exercises every day? (早练)

6. When do you have breakfast? (实际)

7. What are you doing? (打篮球)

8. What is he doing? (摆餐桌)

9. What’s the date? (6月31日, 星期四)

10. What day is it today? (6月31日, 星期四)


四、 根据提示,写出正确的问句或答句。

1. ? I like fall best.

2. ? I can climb mountains in spring.

3. ? Yes, it’s cold in winter.

4. ? No, I don’t like spring.

5. ?

Because I can play with snow in winter.

6. What can you do in spring?

7. What’s your favourite season? .

8. ? Yes, there are four seasons in a year.

9. ? It’s cool and windy in fall in Beijing.

10. ?No, I can’t wear my coat in summer.、

11. ?I can go hiking in fall.

12. What do you do on the weekend? .(购物)

13. Is it hot in summer? .

14. ? No, it’s not cold in summer in Hainan.

15. ? Yes, it’s cold in winter in Dongguan.

16. Are the leaves golden in fall? .

17. , Sarah? Yes, I like to read books in Sunday.

18. Do you like winter? No, .

19. Can you plant trees in winter? .

20. ? I’d like to fly kites.

21. ? No, I don’t like spring.[



A: ?

B: I like fall best. ?

A: My favourite season is winter. Is it warm is fall in your hometown?

B: Yes, . Sometimes it’s windy.

A: ?

B: I often climb mountains and play sports in fall.


A: Hello, John. Do you like summer?

B: No, . It’s too .

A: ?

B: I like spring best.

A: What’s the weather like in spring? B: ?

A: ? B: I can plant trees and flowers.


A: Can I ask you some questions?

B: .

A: ? B: I am a nurse.

A: ? B: I go to work at 7:15.

A: ?

B: I read books in the afternoon. Sometimes I go shopping.


A: ? B: There are 4 seasons in a year.[

A: ? B: They are spring, summer, fall and winter.

A: How many months(月) are there in a year? B: .

A: What are they? B: .

A: How many months are there in a season? B: .

A: ? B: My birthday is in May.

标签: 暂无联系方式 五年级英语试卷
