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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语暑假作业   阅读:9545



1. Don’t throw stones at the dog.

2. Let’s go to the library. I want to read science stories.

3. The family usually has breakfast at 7 o’clock.

4. People get together on Mid-Autumn Festival.

5. Chang’e flew to the moon with her rabbit.

二. 连线,将单词和其对应的图片连起来。(3’×5)

1. swing

2. bench


4.swimming pool


三. 单项选择(3’×10)

1. Look,the old man is ________

A.sleep B. sleeping C. to sleep

2. The children are playing ________ the park.

A.in B. on C. at

3.Katie always ________ up early.

A. get B. gets C.got

4. ________ weekdays, Katie always gets up at six o’clock.

A. on B. at C. in

5.-Let’s go to the ________.

-I want to buy some milk.

A. restaurant B. hospital C.supermarket

6.She wanted ________ to the moon.

A.to fly B. flying C.fly

7.There is ________old man in the park.

A. a B. an C. two

8. We ________to the Underwater World last week.

A. went B.go C. goes

9. Mingming is throwing stones________ the dog.

A. to B. on C.at

10.I miss you. I feel so________.

A. happy B.lonely C.angry


1. go, the, to, let’s, park

2. the, is, angry, very,dog


3. always, Katie ,up ,gets, early


4. sitting, an, man, is, old, a, on, bench


5. the, it’s, festival, Mid-Autumn



1. Long long ago, a beautiful girl Chang’e wanted to fly to the moon.


2.The children are playing in the park.

3.Don’t throw stones at the dog.


4.I usually get up at six o’clock.







标签: 2014   六年级英语暑假作业
