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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语暑假作业   阅读:9293


一、听单词。选出你所到的单词,选序号。Xk b1. Com

( ) 1、 A、thirteen B 、twenty C、thirty D、fifteen

( )2、A、$ 20 B、$ 25 C、$ 75 D、$ 55

( )3、 A、rain B、 rainy C 、raining D、rained

( ) 4、 A、duck B、luck C、look D、chicken

( )5、 A、how B、who C、whose D、when


( ) 6、 A、In this photo, it’s windy. They are having a picnic.

B 、In this photo, it’s sunny. They are having a picnic.

C、In this photo, it’s sunny. We are having a picnic.

( )7、A、I want a hamburger,please.

B、I want a hot dog,please.

C、I want a cup of tea ,please.

( )8、A、It’s five dollars and sixty-three cents.

B、It’s fifteen dollars and sixty cents.

C 、It’s ten dollars and one cent.

( ) 9、 A、They look hungry.

B、They look beautiful .

C、It looks good.

( )10、A、It’s going to rain in Beijing.

B、It’s going to rain in Qingdao.

C、It’s going to be warm in Dalian.


( ) 11、 A、I'm thirteen . B 、It's twenty. C、He's fifteen.

( )12、 A、$ 20 B、12. C、7.

( )13、 A、At twelve. B、It's nine . C 、Sam.

( )14、 A、Yes,I do. B、Yes,I can. C、Yes,I am.

( )15、 A、A hamburger. B、A cola. C、A coat.


16、The ducks are very __________. Pigs are ___________ under the

tree.Children are ____________ in the water.

17、They are colas.

18、We’re going to around the lake.



( ) 1、 What do you want ____ ? A. eat B. eating C. to eat

( ) 2 、How ____ is it ? It’s $ 20. A. many B. much C .old

( ) 3、 Look , it’s ____ outside . A. raining B. rainy C .rain

( ) 4 、I am sending some __ . A .photo B. photos C .photoes

( )5、Children are jumping ___ the water .

A in B on C at

( )6、——____are you going to go to school?

——At half past seven.

A. When B. What C. Where

( )7、——____ colas do you want?

—— Four colas, please.

A. How many B. How much C. How

( )8、 I want ____ rice and chicken . A some B any C a

( )9、I ____ a cola and Sam ____ a hot dog .

A. wants; want B. want; wants C. wants; wants

( )10、The birds are in the trees . A. sing B. sings C. singing


Look!It's going to in Harbin. It's going to

in Guangzhou. It's going to in Beijing.

It's going to in Xi’an.It's going to

in Shanghai. It's going to in Hanzhou.


( )1、Here you are . A、 Yes, it’s great .

( )2、What do you want to eat? B 、Thank you .

( )3、What do you want to do ? C、It’s five yuan .

( )4、How much is it ? D、 I want to eat fish .

( )5、Do you want to have a picnic ? E、 I want to swim .


1、dollar ,It's ,one,twenty-five,and,cents


2、eat,twelve,we ,at ,going,are , to ,half past


3、the ,are,eating,ducks ,our, picnic


4、time,what , is, it


5、our ,this, photo,in,the, eating ,ducks ,are,picnic



A.Hi B.It’s twenty yuan. C.A cola, please.

D.Thank you. E.Yes, we have.

Waitress: Hello. Can I help you?

Tom: __________. Have you got a hot dog?

Waitress: __________.

Tom: OK. A hot dog, please.

Waitress: What do you want to drink?

Tom: __________. How much is it?.

Waitress: __________.

Tom: Here you are.

Waitress: __________.Enjoy your meal!


On Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes.

We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a

big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing near the lake.

Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary?

They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a book. We are

very happy.

( )1. Today we haven't got classes .

( )2.We are playing in the park.

( )3.Some girls are climbing the hill.

( )4.Betty and Mary are sitting under a tall tree.

( )5. Betty and Mary are reading a book.

( ) 6.Mike and John are swimming in the river.








标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语暑假作业
