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六年级英语Unit 4 Review and check第二课时教案

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www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语Unit 4 Review and check第二课时教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

六年级英语Unit 4 Review and check第二课时教案

Unit 4 Review and check第二课时


1. 复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断。

2. 复习Unit 1~3所学句型。

一.Free talk:

What does it mean?

What date is it today?

When’s the Teachers’ day?

Would you like a yo-yo as a birthday present?


1. 让学生画出表格归纳字母组合的发音。

【e】bread breakfast head sweater

【】brother Peter sister tiger

【】dear hear near year

【】bear pear there where


2. 完成几道题目以巩固所学内容。

1.bread read  (   )     2. head  breakfast (    )  3.pear  near (   )

4. brother danger(   )  5.doctor tiger (   )    6. here  there (   )

7. dear  bear (   )   8.pear  bear (   )    9. here  hear(   )

3. 让学生就书中每课C,D部分的图片进行同桌问答,然后抽学生两两问答。以检查学生的巩固情况。

4. 默写句型。

What does it mean?

It means you shouldn’t litter.

When is your birthday?

My birthday’s on the fifth of May.

What would you like as a birthday present?

I’d like some flowers.

Where’s your book?

It’s on the desk.

It isn’t there now.

It was there a moment ago.

They aren’t there now.

They were there a moment ago.

三. Assignment:

1.    书中 A~D的练习, B部分也以书面形式完成。

2.    让学生就所学的句型表演会话。

 以上就是六年级英语Unit 4 Review and check第二课时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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