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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语寒假作业   阅读:9787













一.go for a walk/take a walk/go walking 去散步

1.My grandfather (go) for a walk in the park every day.

2.I (went/took) a walk after supper yesterday.

二.need help with…需要帮助做…


2.I need help my Math.

三.as…as/not as…as

As+原级+as:(前者)和(后者)一样…;not as+原级+as:(前者)不如(后者)…

1.I'm as as you. A.tall B.taller C.older

2.We don't jump as (higher) as them.

四.have a chat:聊天、闲谈。和某人聊天:have a chat with…或chat with…

1.We are a chat. A.have B.having C.had

2.I had a chat my mother yesterday. A.to B.for C.with

五.Jim is good at English, but he does not do well in PE.

Be good at=be well in:擅长…;在…做得好。介词at和in后面可以接名词、代词,也可以接动名词,如Be good at=be well in Chinese/runing/swimming.比较级分别是be better at…和do better in…

1.My sister is good at basketball.

A.play B.played C.playing D.to play

2.Do more exercise and you'll do (well) in PE.


1.甲比乙更…:甲+be+比较级+than+乙 (这把尺比那把尺长

2.甲比乙多多少:甲+be+数量+比较级+than+乙 (我比他大三岁

3.谁/哪一个比另一个更…?:疑问词+be+比较级+than+乙? (谁比大卫强壮?

4.谁的东西更…?:Whose+物+be+比较级,甲的 or 乙的?:(谁的猫更胖,你的还是我的?

1.Whose dog is (strong),yours or his?

2.Su Yang is twenty minutes than Su Hai.

A.young B.younger C.old


1.甲比乙做的更…:甲+动词+比较级+than+乙 (刘涛跳得比高山远

2.睡比某人做得更…?:Who+动词+比较级+than+乙? (谁溜冰比Helen好?

1.Who swims (fast) than you?

2.Helen can read (well) than us.


1.tall fast 2.large late

3.big thin 4.heavy early

5.good/well bad/ill many/much far

九.How far 多远,答句为:It's…kilometre(s) away.

—— is it from your school to your home? ——It's about two kilometres away.


1.rain可做不可数名词,“雨,雨水”,如a lot of rain.也可做动词,“下雨”如It often rains.

2.Rainy 是形容词,“下雨的,多雨的”。如 It is often rainy. cloud/cloudy, wind/windy,snow/snowy 等词的用法相同。

1. It is often (rains/rainy) there in Spring.

2. it often (rain) in spring in Beijing?

3. It often snows there in winter. (改为同义句) often there in winter.

There is a lot of there in winter.

十一.go+doing 去干/做… go+动词ing,如 go swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/rowing/camping/jogging/running

1.In autumn, Nancy usually at the weekends.

A.go rowing B.goes camp C.goes camping

2.He goes (walking/walk) every morning.

3.I often go (swim) in summer.

十二.He is going to work there for one year. for后面通常接一段时间。

He worked in Australia three years.

十三.It's usually very hot.表示频率的副词。usually通常,always总是,often经常,sometimes有时。它们多用于一般现在时。

1.He goes to school by bike, but on foot.

A.often,usually B.usually,sometimes C.always,often

2.My father usually newspapers in the evening.

A.read B.reading C.read



(1)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …?

(2)Where is …?

(3)How can I get to …?

(4)Which is the way to …?

(5)Which bus can I take?


(1)Go along this street.

(2)Turn left/right at the … Crossing.

(3)It's about … metres/kilometres away.

(4)You can take bus No.9 .

(5)The … is on your left/right. You can't miss it.


(1)Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.

(2)That's OK./That's all right./Not at all./You're welcome.

1.--Where's the park?

--It's on Beijing Road. It's about three kilometres .

2.Excuse me, can you tell me the way the cinema?

3.Turn right at the third (cross/crossing). You can't miss it.


询问天气用What's the weather like…?或How is the weather…?


天气温暖而晴朗。It's and .

十六.both 两个(都),all 三者或三者以上。both 置于实意动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后。

1.Liu Tao and Yang Ling are students.

2. the students are in the classroom.A.Both B.All C.Some

十七.They are talking about their plans for the weekend.

a plan/plans for … “…的计划、打算”,for后一般接名词.

1.We are talking about our p for the weekend.

2.They are making a plan May Day.A.to B.for C.in

十八.Would you like to join us?

Would you like to …? 是一种比较有礼貌的邀请,“你愿意…吗?你想…吗?”

1.发出邀请:(1)Let's … (2) Shall we …? (3) Do you want to …?

(4) Would/Will you please …?

2.对于别人的邀请,我们可以回答:(1)OK, let's go. (2) Yes, I'd love to.

3.不想去,婉言谢绝:Thank you, I'd love to. But …

Would you like (go) with us?

十九.By the way“顺便说一下;随便的;附带说说”,当你想转移话题时,就可以使用这个词组。

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