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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9770

学好英语就需要平时的练习。练习越多,掌握越熟练,www.xiaozhibei.com编辑了2013年六年级上册英语模拟试卷 ,欢迎参考!


G    K    f    Q     u


1.us(主格)_______     2. can not (缩写形式)________   3. child(复数)________



8.一个生日聚会_______________9.have a lovely time__________

10.do morning exercises_____________


(  )1.A.teacher   B.eighteen   C.head   D. please

(  )2.A.who     B. where     C. what   D. why

(  )3.A.white    B. write      C. give    D. light

(  )4.A.thing    B. thank      C. father  D. think

(  )5.A.foot     B. food       C. school   D. good


shoes  Wednesday  tiger  watermelon  monkey  pineapple

banana  dog  Sunday  juice  coffee  pants  skirt  Tuesday  milk

1.动物:_______ _______ ________2.水果:_________ ________ ________

3.饮料:_______ _______ ________4.衣物:_______ _______ ________

5.星期:_______ _______ ________


1.Jack and Mike________(be) good friends.

2.English is very_______(interest).

3.________(not look) out of the window. Look at the blackboard.

4.You should______(eating) fruit.

5.I am from the PRC. I am ______(China).

六、单项选择。X K b1.Co m

(  )1. Mary’s mother comes from__,she is __,she speaks__.

A. America, American, America     B. America, American,English

C. American, America, English

(  )2. __ride a bike at school .

A.can’t    B.Don’t   C.No

(  )3.We have ten __.

A.knife    B. knifes   C. knives

(  )4. __is the coat?---It’s thirty-five yuan.

A.How many    B. How  C. How much

(  )5. How many__are there in the box? __six.

A.apples,There are   B. apple, There is  C. apples, There is

(  )6. __are you going to go to Shanghai? –This afternoon.

A.Where   B. When C. Who

(  )7.I want __a map of China.

A.buy   B. to buy  C.is buying

(  )8.Do you like __?

A.swim   B.swim too  C.swimming

(  )9.It’s white shirt.Is it yours?

No, __is yellow.

A.I   B.my  C.mine

(  )10. __your father __you to the park tomorrow?

Yes, tomorrow is Sunday.

A.Do, take   B. Did, take  C. Will, take

(  )11.  A: How many apples do you want? -----B: __________, please.

A. two        B. two bottle    C. two bottles

(  )12.Mum bought a new book ______ me.

A. about       B. to        C. for

(  )13.  Who can help me?----______,I can’t.

A. Sorry       B. No      C. Sure

(  )14.  Look! My brother is _____ to his friends.

A. talk         B. talking      C. talks

(  )15.  Jean is going to play _____ after school .

A. the piano     B. piano         C. a piano

(  )16. ----What is she doing? -----She is  _____ a picnic.

A. have       B. has      C.  having

(  )17.We are _____the kite now.

A. fly         B.  flying       C. flew

(  )18.  _______are the oranges?  ------ Ten yuan.

A. How many   B. How long     C. How much

(  )19.  Please _______careful!

A. is           B. be           C.  are

(  )20. He is riding his bike, ________it is starting to rain.

A .and          B. but          C. then.


1.computer, you, a , use , can(?)

2.hobby, your , is, what(?)

3.I , TV, last, watched, saturday(.)

4.tall, man, is , the , young(.)

5.going , on, where, are, your, holiday, you(?)


1.We have ten apples in the basket.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ apples______ you have in the basket?

2.There is a photo on the desk.

There______ ________ _______ on the desk.

3.Does Tom like reading books?(作否定回答)

________, _______ ________.

4.She saw some public signs in the school.(改为否定句)

She________ ________ ________ public signs in the school.

5.They went to the zoo yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)



A.Is it expensive?   B.What colour is it?   C. How much is it?

D. Oh, yes, it is here.  E . Is it in your desk?

Excuse me, where is my pencil box?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语试卷
