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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9904




一、 听录音, 给下列每组单词标序号。(听两遍) (10分)

A       B       C      D      E

(  )plane   (  ) cow   (  ) must  (  )four  (  )like

(  )plant   (  ) cool   (  ) last   (  )floor  (  )let

(  )play   (  ) how   (  ) taste  (  )door  (  )light

(  )ant   (  ) holiday  (  ) trees  (  )or   (  )toilet

(  )can‘t  (  ) who   (  ) else  (  )more  (  )kite

二、 听录音,给下列句子标序号。(听一遍) (5分)

(  ) What did you do last Sunday.

(  ) Did you like the cartoons?

(  ) There were some fruit trees on the farm.

(  ) I watched a cartoon at home last weekend.

(  ) Helen visited a farm with her classmates on Monday.

三、 听录音,判断所听单词与所给单词是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(听一遍) (5分)

1. milk  2. pull  3. cow  4. farm  5. carrot

(  )  (  )   (  )  (  )  (  )

6. week  7. some  8.fun   9. when  10. before

(  )  (  )   (  )  (  )  (  )

四、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)(10分)

Miss Li: Good morning, boys and girls. Did you have a good time last weekend?

Students: Yes, we did.

Miss Li: What did you do, Ben?

Ben: I ______ _______ my dog. It was fun.

Miss Li: What did you do, Mike?

Mike: I _______ to the cinema and watched a film with David.

Miss Li: Did you watch a film, Nancy?

Nancy: No, I watched a ________ on TV.

Miss Li: What else did you do?

Nancy: I _______ flowers, ________ my clothes and played the violin.

Miss Li: _______ _______ you, Gao Shan?

Gao Shan: I ______ a farm. I picked grapes and pulled up carrots.


一、 选出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的单词。(5分)

(  )1. A. bag   B. map   C. grade   D. can

(  )2. A. farm   B. warm  C. far    D. park

(  )3. A. collect  B. carrot  C. o’clock  D. holiday

(  )4. A. bird   B. girl   C. skirt   D. firefly

(  )5. A. class   B. grass  C. taste   D. last


二、 英汉互译。(10分)

1. 弹钢琴________________     6. 洗衣服________________

2. 有趣的卡通________________   7.一棵苹果树________________

3. 参观农场________________    8. milk cows________________

4. fruit trees________________    9. pick a lot of oranges________________

5. clean the house________________  10. watch a film with friends________________

三、 按要求写词语。(5分)

1. taste(现在分词)_____________      2. first(基数词)_________________

3. they(宾格)_________________      4. cooked(原形)_________________

5. up(反义词)_________________      6. shouldn‘t(完全形式)___________

7. catch(第三人称单词)___________     8. child(复数)__________________

9. driver(动词)__________________     10. have (过去式)_______________

四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(15分)

1. Helen often ________(go) to school by bike.

2. Where ______ (be) you just now?

I _______ (be) in the classroom.

3. What ______ you _______(do) last Friday?

We ________(plant) trees on the farm.

4. Listen, the boy _________ __________(cry)

5. We made a lot of ________ (colour) kites last Sunday. And we ______ (fly) them in the playground.

7. I’d like ________ ________ (make) a model ship.

8. Does she like ________ (dance)?

9. The women ________ ________ (clean) the room.

五、 选择填空。(10分)[

(  )1. The children ________ to the music and played table tennis this weekend.

A. listen   B. listened   C. had   D. liked

(  )2. Children‘s Day is ______ the first ______ June.

A. on, in   B. in, in    C. on, of  D. in, on

(  )3. My birthday ____________.

A. come    B. is coming  C. came  D. comes

(  )4. I was ill at home. Liu Tao _______ to see me last weekend.

A. comes   B. is coming  C. came  D. come

(  )5. What holiday comes _________ Christmas?

A. in     B. at     C. on   D. after

标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语试卷
