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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9986



(   )1.colour  our    (   )2.shirt  girl    (   )3.dear  learn

(   )4.supermarket  after     (    )5.know  how    (   )6.but  bus

(   )7.from  go   (   )8. bag  make   (   )9.that  three  (   )10.whose  where



4.party(复数)________   5.sing(现在分词)________  6.act(职业名词)______________

7.art(职业名词)________     8.wash(三单)________

9.have(三单)________       10.drive(现在分词)__________


(   )1. The post office is far_______ our school.

A.  from   B.  about  C.  to

(   )2.Usually I go to school on foot, because my home is __________.

A   far    .B.   near       C.  long

(   )3.We usually go home________ four o’clock.

A.  on      B.  in    C.  at

(  )4.Where do_________ live?  Their home is next to museum.

A.  they   B. you   C. we

(  )5. When are you going to Shanghai?  I’m going__________.

A.  by   train    B.  this  evening  C.  yesterday

(   )6.________ does  she work?  She works in shoe company.

A.  When    B.   What    C. Where

(   )7.They like _______ with numbers.

A.  work    B.  works   C. working

(   )8. The  cinema  is _________ the bookstore.

A.  east  B.  far  from  C. near from

(   )9.Go  at  a ____________.

A.  red light  B. yellow light  C. green light

(   )10.I like collecting _____________.

A.  stamps   B. stamp


1.  How_________( do) Mary  go  to  the  library?

2.  Where_______( be )  the cinema, please?

3.  What’s_________(you)  bobby?

4.  She  often_________( help ) people.

5.  He  likes_________( collect )  stamps.

6.  Ann  usually____________( make )  kites.

7.  You  can________( watch )  TV  on  the  weekends.

8.  I  am____________( listen )  to  music  now.

9.  We  want  to____________ (visit )  the  Science  Museum  this  Saturday.

10. He  is  going  to ________(buy )  an  English  dictionary.

11. Where_______( do )  the  cloud  come  from?

12. It’s  a_________( wind )  day.

13. Where  are  you___________( go )?

14. My  plant________( have )  green  leaves.

15. Can  he  go  with__________( they ) ?


(   )1. What’s your hobby?     A. No, he doesn’t’. He lives in Shanghai.

(   )2. Can he help his mother do housework?  B.  Me too.

(   )  3. What about you?         C. I like collecting stamps.

(   )  4. Does he live in Beijing?   D. Yes, she does.

(   )  5. Does she teach English?   E.  Sure.

六、选词填空. (10分)

Where    How    When    What    Why     Who

1. ________are you going?          I’m going to the bookstore.

2. ________are you going to do?      I’m going to climb mountains.

3. ________ do you like summer?     Because I can swim.

4. ________are you going  to the cinema?      This weekend.

5. ________do  you go  there?     I  go  by ship.

6. _____ is he going with ? His father.

7. _____are you going to do ? Watching TV.

8._____are you ? I am fine .

9._____ do you get here on foot ? Because my home is not far away.

10. _____do you get up today? At 6:00.


Mr. Chen ________ (be) our favorite teacher. He _________ (teach) us English. He likes _________ (ride) a bike, he ________ (go) to work by bike. He is good at __________ (paint), he often tells us“ It is fun for us __________ (draw) pictures”. He often help us ________ (work) out some problems. He often plays with us after school. We all ________ (like) him.

Today is Saturday, Mr. Chen tells us:“We ___________ (visit) the Science Museum tomorrow. We should _________ (remember) the traffic rules. _______  (not take) photos in the museum.” We are happy to hear that.


(一、)Today is Saturday. Liu Yun is going to the park with Amy in the afternoon. The park is far from her home. First, she is going to Amy’s house on foot. Then they are going to take the No. 12 bus to the park. There is a bus stop near Amy’s house. They are going to fly kites in the park and they are going to have a good time there.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语试卷
